俄亥俄州立 金融面经 12月31.

2017-07-20 作者: 232阅读

  Weill, I must admit that I am a little bit lazy. My skype interview was on Wensday, 9:30 pm to 10:15, nearly 50 min........sigh

  My interviewer is Caroline. She is realy nice, with no accent.

  1 你有什么问题问我( I ask four or five q....OMG) and I think it&aposs very bizzar to ask at the beginning of the interview~

  2 why graduate study

  3 how do you know OSU

  4 what other programs u r applying for and what are the differences?

  5 why choose xxxx as your personal quality

  6 teamwork experience

  7 leadership, how to communicate

  8 charity work

  9 corss cultural experience and einfluence of diversity on work and study

  10 life goals other than career and money

  and the connection is really poor, I ask her to repeat the content several times and I am not sure how many she can hear forom me.....


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