2017-07-20 411阅读
这一点我觉得我是做得相当成功的,若学校的数量为n,那么陶瓷的老师一般为2n,一般会有五个左右教授的回你,那么你要做的就是坚持跟这个老师进行一个月或三周一次的交流,即使他不回也要坚持。 记得George Gross和Hiskens,回了一个im looking forward to receive your application,之后就再也没有了,我就继续坚持发邮件。大概回复率是7:1。而且中间会有感恩节,圣诞节,新年,中国的春节,所以可以跟老师发个邮件问候一下,这一点是非常有用的。关于教授文章,三天看他的八篇文章应该不成问题,然后就去学术陶瓷吧,一定要一击即中····
Dear Prof.XXX
I&aposm a student major in Electrical Engineering in Tsinghua University.XXXXXXXXX I want to apply for Ph.D of the fall, 2012.
In the former two years&apos research, I equipped myself with fundamental but grounded basic knowledge and research skills. XXXXXXXXXXXXX.
I heard you from my roommate and my mentor, then checked your homepage. My current research at National Lab for Electric Power Control Center may fit your research on the power system . Meanwhile, my undergraduate study and researchs also enable me to be a good match for your lab and your research work.
Attatchment is my CV. If you have any question about my research works, I am very glad to get an interview from you. If you want to know more about my capability, you can contact me without hesitation.
Dear Prof.XXXXXX:
How is everything going on with you? I know it is a busy time because of your own academic activities. Thus I&aposm in patience, waiting for my application result. I have some updates this week.
In this semester, XXXXXXXXX
During this time, I read some papers of recent years by you. In my opinion, your research interest is focus on power systems management. In the recent years&apos paper, your topic is mainly around Wind Power control, MPC and PEV. My undergraduate design wind power probabilistic analysis triggers me of profound interest in your paper Estimating wind Turbine Parameters and Quantifying Their Effects on Dynamic Behavior.
Because one of my elder graduate student is focus on parameters estimation, I will talk with them and get some data to solve my problems. And I will explore into some mathematical books to develop some application of penalty term into MPC for better solutions if any.
Your research is quite match with my own pursuit. Hope to get the chance to work with you.
By the way, the paper Assessment of Decentralized Model Predictive Control Techniques For Power Networks has a spelling error(Page2, Section 2, the 15th row, proces should be process).
Best Regards.And hope for your good news
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