
2017-07-20 作者: 350阅读



  Excellent email

  Dear Prof. Das,

  I am applying to KSU (amongst other places) for a Ph.D., and I am very interested in your research areas. I would like to explore the possibility of doing my research with you, with financial support.

  One possible area that would interest me a lot is in applying Tikhonov regularization to your problem in computational neuroscience, since I understand that neural data can be very noisy, and yet sparse.Alternately, I am also interested in applying evolutionary algorithms to your genetic neural network parameter estimation. One of my other interests in in parallel processing. Are you considering parallel implementations for any of your optimization/estimation algorithms?

  Considering that the projects that you list in your web site would probably be very computationally intensive, that may be a worthwhile strategy to pursue.

  I presented a paper entitled "Hybrid Gradient Descent Based Training of Probabilistic Recurrent Networks" in the International Conference on

  Neural Networks and Image Processing, Bangalore, last year. It is a reviewed publication. If have attached a copy of the article in pdf format.

  If you have available funds, and are interested in my application please let me know soon.


  My comments: This is a straightforward letter from someone with a genuine interest in my area . He is an exceptional candidate. He has evinced a keen desire to learn, and already has considerable mastery over my area of research . If I have any funding available, I would dinitely try my very BEST to get this person . This person may have an MS degree, while many applicants have only a BS degree.


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