
2017-07-20 作者: 316阅读



  Dear Dr.***:

  My name is **. I am very interested in studying communication in the United States. One of your colleague, Dr. ***, suggested that I consider graduate study at UNI OF ***.

  I understand that UNI OF *** has a new but growing MA program, and that there are now over 50 enrollees as I type. I am very excited about this type of growth. Also, I understand that your department has one of the finest new quantitative research programs in the area of communication. I would especially be interested in studying under such individuals such as yourself。I have always had high standards for my academic work and understand that the MA faculty at UNI OF *** has an excellent reputation for pushing their students to do their very best. I also understand that as I type, two excellent new faculty members are being interviewed who could participate in your growing program. (表达对学校的了解,依学校情况不同)

  I am confident that I will be accepted for admission, but in today's world I would need to have assurances of financial support in order to study in the United States since otherwise, receiving a visa is nearly impossible. Do you currently have any assistantships available? Also, do you know of any fellowship or scholarship programs that might help foreign students, including the Center for International Studies on your campus? I understand that the CIS does have programs with China, and I wonder if any of those could help me. (要钱)

  I would offer three major strengths that would help your MA program [here, mention those three things succinctly] (自己的强项)


  留学申请的成功往往就在于比别人多走一步,想得更细一点。澳际率先打破传统留学中介代理招生的服务模式,引进世界顶级咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)、埃森哲(Accenture)、普华永道(PwC)和海德斯哲(Heidrick & Struggles)等的先进咨询服务模型,创立“澳际六步曲”服务体系。澳际 12 SEMINAR,则是在澳际六步曲的基础上,定制出的针对美国研究生申请的升级版服务流程,涵盖了整个留学申请环节的每一个细节。


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