
2017-07-20 作者: 627阅读

  Dear Admission Officer:

  I consider it a great pleasure to recommend xxx one of my most outstanding students for admission to your Graduate School. I am very delighted when she told me about her decision to embark on higher learning in your school. I believe that the active academic atmosphere, inspiring teaching methods and rich research resources which your school offers are undoubtedly of significant influence on her further studies and careers.

  I first came to knowxxx in Feb. 2006 when I taught her the course of Financial Derivative Market. xxx has lt me a deep impression of her intellect, devotion, and passion for the field. This course was taught totally in English with the original version textbook “Options, Futures, and other derivatives” by John Hull, which was very difficult for most Chinese students to learn. However, xxx showed a strong English proficiency at class and grasped the essence of the course. She was forever the most active discussion participator. Whenever I asked questions, the first voice that floated into my ears must be hers with every word correctly and fluently. Moreover, she had excellent quantitative and analytical skills. She always made a quick and accurate calculation and gave the most reasonable trading strategy.

  In addition, she could make a genius combination of some practical cases with the theory we learnt at class. In one lecture, when we talked about the stock options introduced in the snapshot, she brought out the concept of the manager share-hold that is being used in China as a means to encourage managers. Another time when I mentioned my experience at CME, she introduced the transaction at Dalian Mercantile Exchange in her hometown as well as the new product stock index futures. I could see that she not only had mastered solidly the knowledge about the financial market and derivative tools, but also has a potential to pursue a professional career.

  Judging by her performances, I am sure that you will find xxx a qualified candidate for your program. I would greatly appreciate it if you would favorably consider her application. Should be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  Yours sincerely



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