
2017-07-20 作者: 522阅读

  Dear Madama/Sir:

  When Miss xxx requested a letter of rerence from me to support her application for graduate studies at your esteemed university, as her teacher, I am pleased to write this letter for her.

  I got to know xxx when she took part in National School of Mathematical Modeling Contest in 2005. Exactly, the time was one hour bore the contest be over. At that time other groups already handed over the paper and program to person in charge and only her group around the computer amended something, I came to remind them of hurrying up and found that they were amending the map which I felt very good and also accorded with the paper requirement. When I asked her what she did, she said that she put several cities on the wrong places so she must correct them. She checked it again and again, bore ten minutes the contest would be over and her group handed over the map. I was impressed by her clinging spirit which made her group win the second prize in the mathematical modeling contest.

  The second time of meeting her was that I reviewed practices things in her class. When I saw her, she only one stayed in the class to consult materials, I asked her why other students couldn’t stay with her, she said that other students were cold and she let them go to back to have a rest. She already found out a new arithmetic but didn’t use it masterly, so she used three computers to check the results by changing parameters. The quantities of data were so large that I couldn’t believe she was able to finish the task, while I was surprised by her confidence and ability, she finished them on time. I was impressed by her spirit on academy again.

  At her junior year, I taught her mathematic modeling course, she treated it very earnestly and she always finished each practical subject perfectly. Such as, after I gave her some key guidance, she classified the knowledge needed for study and listed the best methods to acquire knowledge on this field and finished it ficiently.

  Recently I got to know she will apply for financing engineering and I was glad to tell her that if she connects theory with practice, she will exert mathematical character better. I strongly support her decision and hope my recommendation will receive your favorable consideration.

  Sincerely yours

  Professor xxx


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