
2017-07-20 作者: 791阅读

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  I consider it a great pleasure and an unshirkable responsibility to recommend to you Miss Lucia Tian as a worthy candidate for your consideration of her application for an advanced degree program orientated in organizational sociology in your Graduate School. I am a doctor of Political Science, an assistant professor, and a class advisor. I mainly deliver the course of Western Political and Ideological History and Political Science. I came to know Miss Lucia Tian when she was a freshman, thus I have a close and overall understanding of her.

  Miss Tian is a conscientious and hardworking student who has enjoyed a great popularity and reputation in our department. With a keen craving for new knowledge, she was most attentive in my classes and always probed into questions together with me. Her discussions with me, her papers, and her classroom performance, are all distinct manifestation of her exquisite analytical skills, meticulous logic, her excellent ability to express herself methodically and her quick-witted thinking. Miss Tian compiled an outstanding grade of 80 in my two courses, which could be reached only by a very few students. She performed especially well in the Social Statistics and Approaches to Survey examinations in which she obtained the highest mark (92) among her classmates, most of whom passed the examination only by a small margin. And her grade surpassed that of the second top student with 10. Thus it can be easily perceived that Miss Tian has an outstanding ability of learning, a solid grounding in theories and resourcul potentials to apply what she has learned to practice.

  What most strongly impressed me was her performance in the university‘s gymnastic team. After rigorous screening test, Miss Tian became a member of the gymnastic team not long after her admission to the university. For all that she had no gymnastic basis, she managed to see the three-year arduous training through to the end by virtue of indomitable will and keen interest in gymnastics. Therore it was a common occurrence that she had bruises all over the body after each training exercises. With her painstaking forts, Miss Tian was chosen for the gymnastic contest held at the city level, which was a rare occasion for a newcomer with less than one year‘s training experience. Unfortunately she was badly hurt in the process of training when there was only half a month to go bore the contest. This incident led to psychological obstruction in her. Although Miss Tian kept falling down from the apparatus, she made unremitting forts to improve her skills so that she was able to smoothly complete the whole set of movements in the contest. The training in the gymnastic team also helped to foster her fine sense of teamwork, one of the important makings for her future success in academic studies.

  The rapid development at the globe will necessarily bring about tremendous and profound changes in the society. However, the development of sociology in China is at a much lower speed and still lagging far behind that of the United States, especially in the newly developing fields like organization and social network. Under such circumstances, it is necessary that student like Miss Tian who is full of fortitude and drive go abroad to pursue further studies. This move not only aims at self-improvement, but also is the urgent need of China‘s development. While in college, Miss Tian has studied some courses related to sociology. Her academic preparation, language proficiency, her persevering spirit, fine sense of teamwork and extraordinary industry will ensure her remarkable success in her future studies and research works at your esteemed university. I have full confidence in her, thus I recommend her enthusiastically.

  Yours Sincerely


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