
2017-07-20 作者: 1136阅读

  Dear sir or madam,

  I am writing to you with pleasure of recommendation Mr. xx for acceptance into your PhD department. As the advisor of mathematics department in xx University. And I am 17th generation proprietor Lien of plum boxing in China. I have come in contact with thousands of students. With his academic achievements and personality, Mr. x stands out as one of the exceptional students.

  I have known Mr. x when he entered the University for learning Kungfu. At that time, he was very fat and his physical strength was not well. I told him several times that exercising Kungfu is very painstaking work and it will take up him many time. If he wants to get the better level, he will need more than 3 years. From his eyes and expression, I can find his earnest. Later, his intelligence and willpower are showed; he can learn the device I taught him in a short time. But others don’t do that as him, they all need more time than him. Among the members of more than 40 Kungfu association of students of 1997 in medical college in xx University, there are two students to insist on exercising Kungfu more than 5 years and he is one of them. Moreover, don’t give up Kungfu, now, he is very healthy. So we can not find the fat appearance.

  The summer of 2003, some foreigners who were interest in Chinese Kungfu came to our university with my daughter; I received them on the playground of xx University. To my surprised,x could communicate with them in fluent English, and he arranged them to visit our university and some activities, which helped me set up a good relationship with them.

  Two years ago, because of traffic accident, my wife hurt her knuckle of the right leg. x went to my home to make diagnosis after understanding condition detailed and gave the method to treat the illness. After that, his diagnosis and processing were proved by the professor of xx Central Hospital. His method was correct. So I believed that he was a gift with potential in the field of medicine. In addition, my students suffered from different hurt owe to exercising, x could help them with his special knowledge and kind-hearted. This is the reason why he interests in medicine.

  When he told me that he would like to apply to your PhD department, I feel very excited. As a quality undergraduate student, he has demonstrated great intellectual potential, which he can readily tap in his graduate studies for the realization of his ambitions. I hereby lend my full support to Mr.x’s application, and shall greatly appreciate your favorable consideration.

  Yours sincerely,

  Prof. xx




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