
2017-07-20 作者: 159阅读

  Essay 2

  Why have you selected our Ph.D. Program at the Carroll School of Management at Boston College? How do you think our academic program is related to your scholarly and academic career objectives?

  The Organization Studies offered by the Carroll School of Management at Boston College is my ideal choice in pursuing my further academic studies. I believe my studies there will constitute an essential step in my fulfillment of scholarly ambitions.

  My aspiration is to promote and direct the successful changes of the Chinese society in the field of organization transformations through my academic research. In this field which is vital to the future development of China and even the world, only the solid and rigorous theoretical research and richly flexible practical guidance can create enterprising, innovative and highly capable academic leaders in the future. Undoubtedly, this is the paramount reason for my career objective and for my academic objective in selecting your college as a place to undertake my advanced studies.

  It was with great excitement that I ferreted out that the academic program at the Carroll School of Management is the only institute among numerous top U.S. business schools that specifically and particularly concentrates on the research of organization transformation. Essentially, this unique pedagogical focus agrees perfectly with my long-range research plan. Such an agreement will dinitely make my study plans and scholarly objectives well-dined and purpose-oriented. In the prospective 4-year program, I will dedicated myself to this program with lasting passion and infuse it with all my wisdom and energy.

  On the other hand, the individual research interests of the reputed instructors working in this academic field are remarkably extensively, covering all the central and cutting-edge areas of knowledge that Organizational Studies involve, such as organization changes, transformation, conflict, pluralistic culture and organization ethics. I believe that their diversified academic backgrounds from the world‘s top academic institutions will make the Carroll School a locus of unusually active academic ideas. This is testified by as many as 44 differently-styled academic papers published by the instructors from 2000 to 2001, those that are presented in the OS NewsFlash of your college. In this highly liberal and open academic atmosphere, students can come into contact with different schools of thought and different systems of research approaches. They can profoundly benit from this program on three levels: the mode of thinking, knowledge, and methodology. Moreover, an education that features the intimate marriage between theory and practice is also bound to train students to develop acute academic vision and enlighten on their imaginative creativity. All those factors are the prerequisite conditions for the achievement of remarkable academic progress in the field of management.

  It is self-evident that the Carroll School‘s program in Organizational Studies is highly competitive and selective. This will pose a major challenge for any applicant. Nevertheless, once the applicant is admitted, the small-scale classes will become an immediate asset to the participant. Students will have ample opportunity to collaborate with their instructors in teaching and research, in joint analysis and solution of problems, and in the exchange of academic ideas. In addition, the compact and rationally-organized 4-year curriculum makes the Ph.D. Program in Organization studies highly valuable.

  To recapitulate, I must say that, honestly, the Organization Studies at the Carroll School of Management at Boston College is virtually the only program that I am interested in pursuing for my graduate education. To develop the determination to devote my most precious youth in my entire lifetime to this program is by far my most proud decision. While applying for this program with great expectations, I also maintain the most sincere wish that I could have the honor and the luck to become a member of this program.


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