
2017-07-20 作者: 148阅读

  Essay 4

  Discuss your career objectives following graduation from a Ph.D. Program

  If I could ever be admitted into and could ultimately graduate from a Ph.D. program in Organizational Studies at the Carroll School of Management of the internationally renowned Boston College, I would be fully equipped, I am convinced, for undertaking any category of research, teaching, or consultation related to this field.

  Nevertheless, as a youth replete with a strong sense of responsibility and mission, I am prepared to carry with me back to China the knowledge that I will acquire from my prospective degree program at your esteemed college. More specifically, I plan to work at the most authoritative research institution in China, the Research Center of the Economic Development (DRC) under the State Council of China, to pursue a fruitful career. It is my wish that my future undertakings would generate breakthroughs and radical contributions to both the theory and the practice of China‘s organizational transformations.

  DRC is an organization specifically devoted to the government‘s policy research and consultation and is directly affiliated to the State Council of the People‘s Republic of China. It focuses on the analysis and the solution of the macro, strategic, and long-term problems in China‘s national economy while providing administrative consultations to the government. As the country‘s economic think tank, DRC addresses itself to the implementation and the research of the organizational rorm of state-owned enterprises as one of its primary tasks. This is so closely related to my target degree program that my future research will arouse serious attention of the government.

  A beli that I have consistently maintained is that the great value of the research findings from a particular economic management project is primarily incorporated in its ability to contribute to development of a particular enterprise, a particular nation, or a particular field of the international community. Such a role is almost invariably impossible to be played by one individual only. The DRC, however, with its galaxy of the most outstanding economists of the nation carrying the most advanced economic and managerial theories, will transform every research finding into important frame of rerence for the government in the execution of its policies. Any proposal, once adopted by the government, will produce comprehensive and direct impact on the management of national economy. In this sense, a career at this research center will make possible the perfect marriage between my academic concepts and the actual practice of economic management, generating maximum social fects, fulfilling my own academic value, and incarnating the value of the education that your college is to impart to me.

  I am resolved to develop myself into a scholar who will promote and guide successful social changes in the field of organizational transformation by means of my academic research. The education that your respected college can provide will be my most treasured source of knowledge and the DRC will undoubtedly help me materialize by career objective that I consider most worthy and meaningful.


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