
2017-07-20 作者: 732阅读

  My love for biology has been lifelong, from a child fascinated with the life cycle of a butterfly to growing up in a time of biological revolution with the perpetual breaking of new frontiers in genetic understanding. These times have been dominated by the realisation of the opportunity biological progress can afford humanity in the next century via a genetic approach. I now have the opportunity to begin working towards the frontline of biological research, driven by my dedication to the subject, by way of a biology degree

  Due to my interest in the subject I have educated myself in the latest developments of the biology profession, reading journals such as Scientific American and New Scientist. I find however the more thorough biological discussion more engaging-reading Dennett and Dawkins along with other authors of the more theoretical and philosophical exploration of genetics and evolution. In the latter part of my degree course, or as part of further Masters of Ph.D

  research, I hope to specialise in genetics, particularly the control of the specialisation of stem cells. I have already carried out some independent personal research on the influence of environmental factors on cell specialisation in disease. This I found engrossing primarily due to my fascination with the phenomenon of Teratoma, caused by inappropriate stem cell specialisation, which I first saw on a documentary, and later in a journal

  Due to my keen interest in the latest research I was offered a temporary post at Oxford Glycosciences this summer, working on their proteome project. Unfortuantely I was unable to take up the offer due to accommodation difficulties in Oxford. I have compensated for this missed opportunity by planning to spend time working in the pathology laboratories at a Merseyside hospital. Hopully this will be usul for my interest in the genetic factors causing disease and afford me the chance to learn analytic skills of a professional laboratory

  My choice of A-levels was an intended diversion from a solely scientific education. Philosophy and politics are both subjects which had interested me earlier in my education, and backed by chemistry and biology, studying them has exposed me to new challenges and skills in communication, presentation and specific improvement in my debating, reasoning and essay writing abilities. I now feel that this breadth of subjects can only benit my progress and study in biology at university

  Away from formal education I am a deeply involved member of my college. I am one of two elected Student Governors, the role involving the representation of student interests at full board meetings, while I also work as part of a team in quality sub-groups improving the college for students. Since taking the position I now chair the Student Union, which is a crucial link in ensuring an accountable Senior Management. I am also the college radio manager, which involves organising the airtime at lunchtime, while I play my own weekly show in addition

  During my little free time I am involved in the college debating society at lunchtimes, and represented the college in putting questions to a government minister via a satellite conference link to Westminster. I shall also be attending a political convention with lectures from Mo Mowlam, Charles Kennedy and William Hague, in London

  I hope to continue to pursue these interests at university alongside my degree course, becoming more experienced and educated at a higher academic level of discussion

  At home my leisure time revolves around music. I play the guitar and trumpet, but concentrate mainly on my record collection. This ranges from 60’s psychedelica to jazz and funk. My passion has culminated in the launch of my own web site, which offers music news updates, and has expanded to my own online record shop

  All in all, I love to learn and experience. My many eclectic interests give me a diverse personality that will allow me to benit fully from all a university education and environment has to offer


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