
2017-07-20 作者: 320阅读


  “Life is Like a Box of Chocolates. You Never Know What You are Going to Get”. Such words come from a famous movie “Forrest Gump”. I don’t know what kind of chocolate life will give me, but I believe I can achieve my target if I work hard with my unwavering beli and persevering forts like Forrest Gump. As a student of Mechanical Engineering, I have just finished my undergraduate study since July. Next what I have to face is to choose the new chocolate which I have yearned for all long. With four-year study of M.E. in China, I would like to scale higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies in XXXX University, as I believe its rich learning environment and free academic atmosphere will open my eyes to new realities and influence me to confront the situation back home.

  My strong interest in research was born during the undergraduate years at XX University. Upon entering the university in 2000, I began to embark on my journey of industrious study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. My exceptionally solid foundation in mathematics and physics provided me with a stepping stone with which I proceeded onto the exploration of other sophisticated and erudite subjects. My performance in all the specialty-related coursework not only enabled me to secure good GPA ranking me about top 17 in my grade among 169 students but also furnished me with a powerful instrument whereby to materialize my dreams in the research. I constantly congratulated my luck to obtain a lot of scholarships and awards, due to my academic achievement, from the university, especially the scholarship of “XX University – American United Technological Corporation”, awarded only for the best students who are both good at academic and social capacity. Not contented with doing a good job in mere coursework, I endeavored to keep abreast with the latest theories and technologies by reading extensively technical literature in recent journals and attending the lecture some famous professors made. During my undergraduate career, I have grasped every chance to do some researching work. I used to participate in at least six projects including the intern work in the factory, mechanical designs and graduate design.

  Especially during the period from September to November of 2003, I read many books and journals in the field of mechanical engineering such as “Handbook of Practical Gear Design” (Written by XXXX). In these books, I did intensive reading on the theory of the speed reducer. I investigated and discussed with my teacher on how to apply the theory into the practice. Then according to my teacher’s advice, I tried to organize a team consisting of five members to make a harmonic gear reducer. As a team leader, I should not only take charge of the whole arrangement of project but also make every member of the team cooperate with each other harmoniously. Bore starting the program, I, together with my team, made a detailed plan covering the schedule, materials, and equipment. The first step of our work is the design of the reducer. The design plan is as follows: (1) Set down the blue print. (2) Complete 3-D solid model with Pro/E software. (3) Finite-element analysis with ANSYS software. (4) Assembling simulation by using Pro/E. (5) Complete the 2-D draft of part and assembly. After two-week design work, we stepped to the next work, manufacture of the product. With the aid of the technique of computer, we plan the manufacturing process of every part. And then, all parts were made with various machine tools such as CNC lathe, wire electrical discharge machine, vertical machining center, and so on. Finally, we had toassembly all parts to the harmonic gear reducer, and test-drove it for many times. With five-week unremitting forts, we succeeded in the project of harmonic gear reducer and obtained the highest praise. This special experience makes it very helpful for my further study. Firstly, I find the connection between theory and practice. Textbooks could hardly cover everything, therore, if we want to learn more, we should pursue every opportunity to have practices. Meanwhile, I experienced the importance and mightiness of cooperation. In the project, we divided ourselves into several parts, not only doing one’s own work well, but also cooperating with each other harmoniously.

  Another case worthy mentioning is my design project for graduation, “Manufacturing and Performance of Electroplated CBN Tools”. The main objective of this project is the manufacturing of the electroplated CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) wheels and the research of its performance when grinding the heat-resisted steel. I had completed three steps of task. Firstly, I took charge of the manufacturing of electroplated CBN wheels, covering the following work: selecting electroplating solution, computing various electroplating parameters such as electrical current and temperature, adhering CBN to the tool base by electroplating a nickel layer. After these basic preparations, I had to do the second part of the research work to compare grinding abilities of electroplated CBN wheels with those of other wheels such as SiC wheels, Al2O3 wheels etc. This part of the work needs the researcher’s highly particularity and staidness. I did the detailed work as follows: (1) Grind heat-resisted steel with various wheels in the same grinding conditions. (2) Record data and compute the grinding ratio of various wheels. (3) Measure the surface roughness of the heat-resisted steel ground by various wheels. (4) Observe dulling and pullout of abrasive grains of various wheels by using optical microscope. In this part, we can conclude that electroplated wheels have far better grinding abilities than other wheels, by comparing parameters, such as grinding ratio, surface roughness etc. The final assignment of the project is to find out the most suitable parameters of grinding heat-resisted steel with electroplated CBN wheels, through comparing the grinding ratio and surface roughness of heat-resisted steel ground in different grinding parameters. By investigating the attributes of electroplated CBN wheels and concluding their practical grinding parameters, this project is very important in promoting the application of them.

  China’s unique advantage of labor force predicts the resplendent future of its Mechanical Engineering, especially the manufacture, and it is our beli that this day will come soon. On the other hand, there are so many experienced technicians in China, however, with the absence of advanced experts many advanced producing method cannot be used in practical yield. When I worked as intern in some factories, I found that most of them were still using facilities which were used in America about thirty years ago. Therore I want to use the advanced knowledge earned in United States, combined with my acquaintance with China, to improve the present situation and apply best the advanced scientific technology to practical social wealth as soon as possible. I hope to become a successful researcher in Mechanical Engineering, the arduous but exhilarative field. The significant progress achieved in M.E, with the extraordinary cultural and intellectual sources in your university, has attracted me greatly. Based on the study and the research experience in XX University, I am sure that I am qualified and would be an outstanding Ph.D. student. With the advanced courses, balanced program and distinguished faculty of your department, I would get a solid background for my future academic career.

  An experienced engineer of security printing with China’s Central Bank, I now would like to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing Ph. D. studies in mechanical engineering at your university. I believe that my strong background in CAD has adequately prepared me to embark on this endeavor.

  I have been working since 1996 for the People’s Bank of China, a Chinese version of the Federal Reserve, at its unique research institute of security printing, with the responsibility of designing the Chinese currency and the machinery to produce it. By engaging me in a variety of projects, the job afforded me ample exposure to cutting-edge developments in computer technologies, particularly in CAD software. I have, for example, recently redeveloped a purchased CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to make it more suitable for our own purposes. By adding our own part/subassembly to the database and make our own drawing criteria, we have achieved dramatically better ficiency.

  My job performance, which has won me professional respect from all of my colleagues, was achieved thanks to the strong background I acquired as a student in computer science. My undergraduate GPA ranked first among the 63 students of classmates in mechanical department, for which I was awarded first-class and second-class prizes many times. My graduate GPA ranked among the top 4% of the 105 students in my year, which won me the “San Hao” scholarship every year during the three years of my graduate studies.

  Unlike many other Chinese students, who are content with performing well in exams, I made a point of learning through my own hands-on experiences. In the Master’s program at the Beijing Institute of Printing, I gained an in-depth understanding of artificial intelligence, including expert system and genetic algorithm, especially in neural network. For my thesis, I programmed a multi-level BP neural network with C language to analyze my mathematical model, and applied much of my knowledge in optimization. I thus became able to program with a host of different computer languages, especially C++, with which I helped my graduate advisor to design a paper-cutting machine. To analyze the mechanism statically and dynamically, I programmed a software system to analyze and emulate it on screen. In undergraduate studies, I had often programmed with Fortran77 and the Basic language.

  Upon the completion of my Master’s studies, I easily passed the doctoral record examination in CAD/CAM of Beijing University, one f the top universities in China. But I gave up the opportunity in order to gain more practical experience in the industry. The decision proved to be right, as it guaranteed me better access to sophisticated facilities, such as state-of-the-art personal computers. With the People’s Bank of China, I have thus accumulated solid expertise in many kinds of operating and application software systems, particularly in CAD. I now have a firm grip on the latest developments in computer science in China.

  The challenges I met and the successes I achieved at the People’s Bank have not only endowed me with confidence but also fired off my desire to further improve myself. I have enjoyed high-quality and ficient production with the use of a kind of PC-based CAD software, MDT, developed by Autodesk Corporation. I now have a dream: some day, every person can design his favorite product with some sort of CAD software, and then search for an ideal factory over high-speed internet its production; and the factory will put specifications of the product, as it has received them via the high-speed internet into its CIMS, and out pops the product, as designed, at the end of the factory’s production line. It is a beautiful dream for every engineer, but many difficulties the speed of data-transfer and how to manage the product data among CAD, CAM, CAPP and CAE systems. These questions are fascinating, and I would like to come up with my own answers to them.

  To prepare myself for advanced studies in your country, I have persisted in improving my English proficiency. As demonstrated by my score of 700 (96%) in the verbal section of GRE, I now have an adequate command of English for undertaking graduate studies in your program.

  After carully comparing the strengths of many universities, I find Mercy University particularly suited for my purpose. It has got the best combination of quality faculty, many state-of-the-art facilities, and an intriguing academic environment. Currently, China still lags significantly behind Western countries in mechanical engineering. I hope that, with a few years of graduate studies under your seasoned guidance, I will be able to return to my motherland and help bring mechanical engineering in my country to international standards.

  Although my ultimate objective is a Ph. D. degree, I am willing to do a Master’s degree if necessary. In either case, I would like to concentrate my studies in one or a combination of the following areas: CAD, CAM, CIMS, Computer graphics, Mechanical design, Mechanical manufacturing, Optimization, Artificial intelligence, and Robotics. Your favorable evaluation of my application will be highly appreciated.


  Mechanical engineering is the foundation of industry. It plays a key role in the national economy. It’s broad field including general engineering, aeronautical, chemical and nuclear engineering, etc. Provides a sufficient room of choices for me to realize the dream of becoming a scientist or a mechanical engineer. It was with this fact in mind that I decided to choose mechanical engineering as the major field of study for both undergraduate and graduate career at Tsinghua University.

  During nearly eight years of study at Tsinghua University, I completed a total of 47 courses in undergraduate study, 16 courses in graduate study. The major courses that interested me most included: Theoretical Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Elasticity and Plasticity Mechanical Analysis of Plastic Dormation Processes, Theory of Metal Forming, Computer Language and Programming, Mechanical Design, etc… After graduation, I entered the First Heaby Machinery Works (in northeast of China). During this period, I became familiar with the design and manufacturing of some heavy machines, thus furthering my interest in mechanical engineering. At the same time, I found that many good ideas of design could not be put into existence because of the backwardness in raw material quality and processing techniques. This fact impelled the related areas and me to concentrate my research interest on materials science and processing. Through carul survey, I selected a subject about the quality control of heavy disc forging and took it as my research subject for master degree. After over tow years of investigation, I finally made a great innovation in the forging process, making the end product rate increase from 50% to 90%. In the course of investigation and my later working after graduate study, I also found some problems that are common in mechanical industry. For example, how do cracks in products during hot metal working generate and develop? How to avoid cracks? How do non-metallic inclusions affect the properties of materials? How to control the content, shape and distribution of inclusions in final products? Solution to these problems will improve the quality of many kinds of products. But they are often difficult to be solved because they include knowledge of many disciplines and require many new research methods. I feel that what I have learned is far from sufficient to tackle all the problems. Thus I have decided to continue my education by pursuing a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering in a highly industrialized country like the United States.

  I plan to complete my degree objective I 3 to 5 year and hope that I will be able to further my knowledge I areas including Solid Mechanics, Materials Science and Processes, CAD/CAM, etc… After completing my graduate study, I will return to contribute my learning to my country. I plan to work as a researcher of a teacher at an institute or a university.


  The heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.

  --My Motto

  While I was still as freshman in 1991, I took part in a project in which a milling machine design done by Germans with CAD technology twenty years bore was closely duplicated. Staring at the German blueprints, I was struck dumbfounded by the technological gap between the world&aposs leading industrial countries and my motherland. That experience has been goading me to delve deeper and deeper into research of Mechanical Engineering ever since. I felt then that it was my responsibility to help close the gap. Over seven years has passed, and I am glad to say that I have done my share to my country&aposs technological progress in my field. But to actually help put my country at a technological par with that of the West, I must receiver advanced education in a Western university. For that, I am now applying for Ph. D. studies in your distinguished program.

  Born into a family of academics, I was regarded as a gifted boy in my childhood, as I kept bugging my parents for books of history, nature and science to read when my friends were still engrossed in cartoons and bedtime stories. Watching my intellectual growth closely, my parents always obliged my request.

  On the strength of my performance in the National University Entrance Examinations, I gained acceptance in 1990 into the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Huadong Institute of Technology (HDIT), a significant cradle of engineering talents based in Shanghai, the country&aposs economic capital. But I did not confine myself to taking courses in my department. In order to satisfy my curiosity in modern science and science and enrich my knowledge, I learned not only the fundamentals of Mechanical Science such as mechanics, metals, process and materials, but also some other courses like Discrete Mathematics. Advanced Algebra, Group Theory etc by auditing them in other departments. My overall GPA was consistently among the top 5% and I received consecutive scholarships for all four years, including Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship of HDIT, the highest honor conferred only to the most distinguished and promising student in an overall evaluation.

  Thanks to my strong academic record in my undergraduate studies, I won admission into the Maser&aposs Program of Mechanical Engineering at the Zhejiang University (ZJU), currently the country&aposs largest higher-learning institution. I was waived the normally mandatory Admission Test. Focusing my research on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, I achieved an overall GPA that was undisputably the best in my class of 30 students. In recognition of my achievements, I was awarded the Guanghua Scholarship, the highest scholarship at ZJU, in two consecutive academic years (1995,1996).

  Shortly after my enrollment at ZJU, I was assigned as a research assistant to Professor XXX, Vice President of ZJU in the university&aposs CAD Center. Because of my apparent academic strengths, I was encouraged to independently engage in solving the two-dimension irregular shape layout problem in terms of the application of mathematical model of optimization. Through nearly one year hardworking, I came up with three kinds of two-phase heuristic algorithms and a new geometrically-based algorithm.

  In October, 1995, our research team began to take part in a project Integrated CAD/CAM System for Sheet Metal, part of the country&aposs strategic high-tech development program, dubbed the 863 Program. I first developed the Flat Parts Layout Tool on the basis of my layout algorithms. I then developed a 3D Parts Unfolding Tool, which can convert the part initial 3-D model to 2-D pattern automatically by focusing on the research of anti-process of unfolding: bending process and creating a library of parametric typical shapes. Finally, we developed a software package Inte-SheetMetal, using AutoCAD as the graphic interface and C++ as the main programming language.

  While I was doing the above project, I finished my Master&aposs thesis: "Research and Implementation of Sheet Metal Part Unfolding and Optimal Layout", which proposed a new approach of obtaining 2-D pattern from 3-D design model and generating certain layout schemes for process planning and manufacturing.

  Since my graduation in July1997, I have been working as a Research Engineer by the Engineering Design Research Laboratory, CERIS. The primary goal of research conducted in this lab is to develop Engineering Design methodologies and techniques to permit rapid, accurate, conservative design and fabrication of present-day mechanical products.

  As a member of the lab&aposs staff, I have participated in the GaoHua-601 Project, a large project supported by the China National Ministry of Machine Building Industry. Its goal is to develop many rapid-prototyping systems that will produce prototype parts from concept models as soon as possible. Perhaps because I was familiar with the fatal drawback of conventional CAD/CAM systems, I witched my interest to emphasizing "How to improve the information exchange between design and manufacturing processes?" and thus chose the subproject: "Feature Based Technology in Injection Molding Design."

  Based on the RPDS (Rapid Product Design System ) other researchers have developed within the Pro/Engineer software environment, I modified the basic data structure of part model and proposed a novel Unified Structure Model (USM). Characterized by its geometric feature parameters and non-geometric feature parameters such as material, process etc., this model provides an ficient framework to maintain the whole product development process. Currently, I am developing a special feature "Dinition & Recognition" based on the USM with the help of two members of our research team. In general, I have been developing most of the core models and responsible for integrating all the models into a prototype system. Through these experiences, I have learned the most valuable lessons in my study and work: diligence, team spirit and creativity are the three necessities for successful research work, and I am now confident that I can embark on research work in a new field.

  As the world awaits the onset of the 21st century, mechanical engineering is playing an ever-increasing role in serving global needs. As mechanical engineers, we should be able to conceive, plan, design, and direct the manufacture, distribution, and operation of a wide variety of devices, machines and systems for energy conversion, aerospace applications, environmental control, and many other applications. In doing all or any of this, we are necessarily involved in computer-aided design and manufacturing, product development, theoretical and applied research.

  The Mechanical Engineering Department of University of XXX, known for its meticulous work ethics and stimulating academic atmosphere, is the place I have long admired. I am sure that my enterprising spirit, under the seasoned guidance of your distinguished faculty, will translate into knowledge and expertise benicial to both United States and China.

  My degree objective is Ph. D, and my major academic interest lies in the following areas: 1) CAD/CAM/CAPP, 2) Computer Graphics & Simulation, 3) Feature-based Design, 4) Design Optimization, 5) Sheet Metal Production, 6) Die and mould Design & Manufacturing. There are several reasons I am confident that I can do well in the courses and research work relating to these areas. Firstly, I have been involved in Mechanical Engineering for about eight years and gained a lot of tremendous experiences in such diverse such as automation and computer. Furthermore, through the "work and study" experiences, I have accumulated lots of practical and theoretical knowledge, not only from books but also from actual work in my interested fields. Finally, I know that I am a quicker learner, and I tend to assimilate new materials in relative ease and speed. This will equip me well to meet the rigorous academic challenge posed in your curriculum.

  If I am lucky enough to be admitted and financially supported by your esteemed university, I would like to spend three to four years pursuing my Ph.D. in the above areas. After completion of the studies, I will return to my motherland and contribute my learning to improving my country&aposs mechanical industry.

  申请专业:机械工程Mechanical Engineering

  An experienced engineer of security printing with China’s Central Bank, I now would like to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing Ph. D. studies in mechanical engineering at your university. I believe that my strong background in CAD has adequately prepared me to embark on this endeavor.

  I have been working since 1999 for the People’s Bank of China, a Chinese version of the Federal Reserve, at its unique research institute of security printing, with the responsibility of designing the Chinese currency and the machinery to produce it. By engaging me in a variety of projects, the job afforded me ample exposure to cutting-edge developments in computer technologies, particularly in CAD software. I have, for example, recently redeveloped a purchased CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to make it more suitable for our own purposes. By adding our own part/subassembly to the database and make our own drawing criteria, we have achieved dramatically better ficiency.

  My job performance, which has won me professional respect from all of my colleagues, was achieved thanks to the strong background I acquired as a student in computer science. My undergraduate GPA ranked first among the 63 students of classmates in mechanical department, for which I was awarded first-class and second-class prizes many times. My graduate GPA ranked among the top 4% of the 105 students in my year, which won me the “San Hao” scholarship every year during the three years of my graduate studies.

  Unlike many other Chinese students, who are content with performing well in exams, I made a point of learning through my own hands-on experiences. In the Master’s program at the Beijing Institute of Printing, I gained an in-depth understanding of artificial intelligence, including expert system and genetic algorithm, especially in neural network. For my thesis, I programmed a multi-level BP neural network with C language to analyze my mathematical model, and applied much of my knowledge in optimization. I thus became able to program with a host of different computer languages, especially C++, with which I helped my graduate advisor to design a paper-cutting machine. To analyze the mechanism statically and dynamically, I programmed a software system to analyze and emulate it on screen. In undergraduate studies, I had often programmed with Fortran77 and the Basic language.

  Upon the completion of my Master’s studies, I easily passed the doctoral record examination in CAD/CAM of Beijing University, one f the top universities in China. But I gave up the opportunity in order to gain more practical experience in the industry. The decision proved to be right, as it guaranteed me better access to sophisticated facilities, such as state-of-the-art personal computers. With the People’s Bank of China, I have thus accumulated solid expertise in many kinds of operating and application software systems, particularly in CAD. I now have a firm grip on the latest developments in computer science in China.

  The challenges I met and the successes I achieved at the People’s Bank have not only endowed me with confidence but also fired off my desire to further improve myself. I have enjoyed high-quality and ficient production with the use of a kind of PC-based CAD software, MDT, developed by Autodesk Corporation. I now have a dream: some day, every person can design his favorite product with some sort of CAD software, and then search for an ideal factory over high-speed internet its production; and the factory will put specifications of the product, as it has received them via the high-speed internet into its CIMS, and out pops the product, as designed, at the end of the factory’s production line. It is a beautiful dream for every engineer, but many difficulties the speed of data-transfer and how to manage the product data among CAD, CAM, CAPP and CAE systems. These questions are fascinating, and I would like to come up with my own answers to them.

  To prepare myself for advanced studies in your country, I have persisted in improving my English proficiency. As demonstrated by my score of 700 (96%) in the verbal section of GRE, I now have an adequate command of English for undertaking graduate studies in your program.

  After carully comparing the strengths of many universities, I find Mercy University particularly suited for my purpose. It has got the best combination of quality faculty, many state-of-the-art facilities, and an intriguing academic environment. Currently, China still lags significantly behind Western countries in mechanical engineering. I hope that, with a few years of graduate studies under your seasoned guidance, I will be able to return to my motherland and help bring mechanical engineering in my country to international standards.

  Although my ultimate objective is a Ph. D. degree, I am willing to do a Master’s degree if necessary. In either case, I would like to concentrate my studies in one or a combination of the following areas: CAD, CAM, CIMS, Computer graphics, Mechanical design, Mechanical manufacturing, Optimization, Artificial intelligence, and Robotics. Your favorable evaluation of my application will be highly appreciated.

  Mechanical engineering is the foundation of industry. It plays a key role in the national economy. It’s broad field including general engineering, aeronautical, chemical and nuclear engineering, etc. Provides a sufficient room of choices for me to realize the dream of becoming a scientist or a mechanical engineer. It was with this fact in mind that I decided to choose mechanical engineering as the major field of study for both undergraduate and graduate career at Tsinghua University.

  During nearly eight years of study at Tsinghua University, I completed a total of 47 courses in undergraduate study, 14 courses in graduate study. The major courses that interested me most included: Theoretical Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Elasticity and Plasticity Mechanical Analysis of Plastic Dormation Processes, Theory of Metal Forming, Computer Language and Programming, Mechanical Design, etc… After graduation, I entered the First Heaby Machinery Works (in northeast of China). During this period, I became familiar with the design and manufacturing of some heavy machines, thus furthering my interest in mechanical engineering. At the same time, I found that many good ideas of design could not be put into existence because of the backwardness in raw material quality and processing techniques. This fact impelled the related areas and me to concentrate my research interest on materials science and processing. Through carul survey, I selected a subject about the quality control of heavy disc forging and took it as my research subject for master degree. After over tow years of investigation, I finally made a great innovation in the forging process, making the end product rate increase from 50% to 90%. In the course of investigation and my later working after graduate study, I also found some problems that are common in mechanical industry. For example, how do cracks in products during hot metal working generate and develop? How to avoid cracks? How do non-metallic inclusions affect the properties of materials? How to control the content, shape and distribution of inclusions in final products? Solution to these problems will improve the quality of many kinds of products. But they are often difficult to be solved because they include knowledge of many disciplines and require many new research methods. I feel that what I have learned is far from sufficient to tackle all the problems. Thus I have decided to continue my education by pursuing a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering in a highly industrialized country like the United States.

  I plan to complete my degree objective I 3 to 5 year and hope that I will be able to further my knowledge I areas including Solid Mechanics, Materials Science and Processes, CAD/CAM, etc… After completing my graduate study, I will return to contribute my learning to my country. I plan to work as a researcher of a teacher at an institute or a university.


  The heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.

 --My Motto

  While I was still as freshman in 1991, I took part in a project in which a milling machine design done by Germans with CAD technology twenty years bore was closely duplicated. Staring at the German blueprints, I was struck dumbfounded by the technological gap between the world&aposs leading industrial countries and my motherland. That experience has been goading me to delve deeper and deeper into research of Mechanical Engineering ever since. I felt then that it was my responsibility to help close the gap. Over seven years has passed, and I am glad to say that I have done my share to my country&aposs technological progress in my field. But to actually help put my country at a technological par with that of the West, I must receiver advanced education in a Western university. For that, I am now applying for Ph. D. studies in your distinguished program.

  Born into a family of academics, I was regarded as a gifted boy in my childhood, as I kept bugging my parents for books of history, nature and science to read when my friends were still engrossed in cartoons and bedtime stories. Watching my intellectual growth closely, my parents always obliged my request.

  On the strength of my performance in the National University Entrance Examinations, I gained acceptance in 1990 into the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Huadong Institute of Technology (HDIT), a significant cradle of engineering talents based in Shanghai, the country&aposs economic capital. But I did not confine myself to taking courses in my department. In order to satisfy my curiosity in modern science and science and enrich my knowledge, I learned not only the fundamentals of Mechanical Science such as mechanics, metals, process and materials, but also some other courses like Discrete Mathematics. Advanced Algebra, Group Theory etc by auditing them in other departments. My overall GPA was consistently among the top 5% and I received consecutive scholarships for all four years, including Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship of HDIT, the highest honor conferred only to the most distinguished and promising student in an overall evaluation.

  Thanks to my strong academic record in my undergraduate studies, I won admission into the Maser&aposs Program of Mechanical Engineering at the Zhejiang University (ZJU), currently the country&aposs largest higher-learning institution. I was waived the normally mandatory Admission Test. Focusing my research on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, I achieved an overall GPA that was undisputably the best in my class of 30 students. In recognition of my achievements, I was awarded the Guanghua Scholarship, the highest scholarship at ZJU, in two consecutive academic years (1995,1996).

  Shortly after my enrollment at ZJU, I was assigned as a research assistant to Professor XXX, Vice President of ZJU in the university&aposs CAD Center. Because of my apparent academic strengths, I was encouraged to independently engage in solving the two-dimension irregular shape layout problem in terms of the application of mathematical model of optimization. Through nearly one year hardworking, I came up with three kinds of two-phase heuristic algorithms and a new geometrically-based algorithm.

  In October, 1995, our research team began to take part in a project Integrated CAD/CAM System for Sheet Metal, part of the country&aposs strategic high-tech development program, dubbed the 863 Program. I first developed the Flat Parts Layout Tool on the basis of my layout algorithms. I then developed a 3D Parts Unfolding Tool, which can convert the part initial 3-D model to 2-D pattern automatically by focusing on the research of anti-process of unfolding: bending process and creating a library of parametric typical shapes. Finally, we developed a software package Inte-SheetMetal, using AutoCAD as the graphic interface and C++ as the main programming language.

  While I was doing the above project, I finished my Master&aposs thesis: "Research and Implementation of Sheet Metal Part Unfolding and Optimal Layout", which proposed a new approach of obtaining 2-D pattern from 3-D design model and generating certain layout schemes for process planning and manufacturing.

  Since my graduation in July1997, I have been working as a Research Engineer by the Engineering Design Research Laboratory, CERIS. The primary goal of research conducted in this lab is to develop Engineering Design methodologies and techniques to permit rapid, accurate, conservative design and fabrication of present-day mechanical products.

  As a member of the lab&aposs staff, I have participated in the GaoHua-601 Project, a large project supported by the China National Ministry of Machine Building Industry. Its goal is to develop many rapid-prototyping systems that will produce prototype parts from concept models as soon as possible. Perhaps because I was familiar with the fatal drawback of conventional CAD/CAM systems, I witched my interest to emphasizing "How to improve the information exchange between design and manufacturing processes?" and thus chose the subproject: "Feature Based Technology in Injection Molding Design."

  Based on the RPDS (Rapid Product Design System ) other researchers have developed within the Pro/Engineer software environment, I modified the basic data structure of part model and proposed a novel Unified Structure Model (USM). Characterized by its geometric feature parameters and non-geometric feature parameters such as material, process etc., this model provides an ficient framework to maintain the whole product development process. Currently, I am developing a special feature "Dinition & Recognition" based on the USM with the help of two members of our research team. In general, I have been developing most of the core models and responsible for integrating all the models into a prototype system. Through these experiences, I have learned the most valuable lessons in my study and work: diligence, team spirit and creativity are the three necessities for successful research work, and I am now confident that I can embark on research work in a new field.

  As the world awaits the onset of the 21st century, mechanical engineering is playing an ever-increasing role in serving global needs. As mechanical engineers, we should be able to conceive, plan, design, and direct the manufacture, distribution, and operation of a wide variety of devices, machines and systems for energy conversion, aerospace applications, environmental control, and many other applications. In doing all or any of this, we are necessarily involved in computer-aided design and manufacturing, product development, theoretical and applied research.

  The Mechanical Engineering Department of University of XXX, known for its meticulous work ethics and stimulating academic atmosphere, is the place I have long admired. I am sure that my enterprising spirit, under the seasoned guidance of your distinguished faculty, will translate into knowledge and expertise benicial to both United States and China.

  My degree objective is Ph. D, and my major academic interest lies in the following areas: 1) CAD/CAM/CAPP, 2) Computer Graphics & Simulation, 3) Feature-based Design, 4) Design Optimization, 5) Sheet Metal Production, 6) Die and mould Design & Manufacturing. There are several reasons I am confident that I can do well in the courses and research work relating to these areas. Firstly, I have been involved in Mechanical Engineering for about eight years and gained a lot of tremendous experiences in such diverse such as automation and computer. Furthermore, through the "work and study" experiences, I have accumulated lots of practical and theoretical knowledge, not only from books but also from actual work in my interested fields. Finally, I know that I am a quicker learner, and I tend to assimilate new materials in relative ease and speed. This will equip me well to meet the rigorous academic challenge posed in your curriculum.

  If I am lucky enough to be admitted and financially supported by your esteemed university, I would like to spend three to four years pursuing my Ph.D. in the above areas. After completion of the studies, I will return to my motherland and contribute my learning to improving my country&aposs mechanical industry.


  An experienced engineer of security printing with China’s Central Bank, I now would like to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing Ph. D. studies in mechanical engineering at your university. I believe that my strong background in CAD has adequately prepared me to embark on this endeavor.

  I have been working since 1996 for the People’s Bank of China, a Chinese version of the Federal Reserve, at its unique research institute of security printing, with the responsibility of designing the Chinese currency and the machinery to produce it. By engaging me in a variety of projects, the job afforded me ample exposure to cutting-edge developments in computer technologies, particularly in CAD software. I have, for example, recently redeveloped a purchased CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to make it more suitable for our own purposes. By adding our own part/subassembly to the database and make our own drawing criteria, we have achieved dramatically better ficiency.

  My job performance, which has won me professional respect from all of my colleagues, was achieved thanks to the strong background I acquired as a student in computer science. My undergraduate GPA ranked first among the 63 students of classmates in mechanical department, for which I was awarded first-class and second-class prizes many times. My graduate GPA ranked among the top 4% of the 105 students in my year, which won me the “San Hao” scholarship every year during the three years of my graduate studies.

  Unlike many other Chinese students, who are content with performing well in exams, I made a point of learning through my own hands-on experiences. In the Master’s program at the Beijing Institute of Printing, I gained an in-depth understanding of artificial intelligence, including expert system and genetic algorithm, especially in neural network. For my thesis, I programmed a multi-level BP neural network with C language to analyze my mathematical model, and applied much of my knowledge in optimization. I thus became able to program with a host of different computer languages, especially C++, with which I helped my graduate advisor to design a paper-cutting machine. To analyze the mechanism statically and dynamically, I programmed a software system to analyze and emulate it on screen. In undergraduate studies, I had often programmed with Fortran77 and the Basic language.

  Upon the completion of my Master’s studies, I easily passed the doctoral record examination in CAD/CAM of Beijing University, one f the top universities in China. But I gave up the opportunity in order to gain more practical experience in the industry. The decision proved to be right, as it guaranteed me better access to sophisticated facilities, such as state-of-the-art personal computers. With the People’s Bank of China, I have thus accumulated solid expertise in many kinds of operating and application software systems, particularly in CAD. I now have a firm grip on the latest developments in computer science in China.

  The challenges I met and the successes I achieved at the People’s Bank have not only endowed me with confidence but also fired off my desire to further improve myself. I have enjoyed high-quality and ficient production with the use of a kind of PC-based CAD software, MDT, developed by Autodesk Corporation. I now have a dream: some day, every person can design his favorite product with some sort of CAD software, and then search for an ideal factory over high-speed internet its production; and the factory will put specifications of the product, as it has received them via the high-speed internet into its CIMS, and out pops the product, as designed, at the end of the factory’s production line. It is a beautiful dream for every engineer, but many difficulties the speed of data-transfer and how to manage the product data among CAD, CAM, CAPP and CAE systems. These questions are fascinating, and I would like to come up with my own answers to them.

  To prepare myself for advanced studies in your country, I have persisted in improving my English proficiency. As demonstrated by my score of 700 (96%) in the verbal section of GRE, I now have an adequate command of English for undertaking graduate studies in your program.

  After carully comparing the strengths of many universities, I find Mercy University particularly suited for my purpose. It has got the best combination of quality faculty, many state-of-the-art facilities, and an intriguing academic environment. Currently, China still lags significantly behind Western countries in mechanical engineering. I hope that, with a few years of graduate studies under your seasoned guidance, I will be able to return to my motherland and help bring mechanical engineering in my country to international standards.

  Although my ultimate objective is a Ph. D. degree, I am willing to do a Master’s degree if necessary. In either case, I would like to concentrate my studies in one or a combination of the following areas: CAD, CAM, CIMS, Computer graphics, Mechanical design, Mechanical manufacturing, Optimization, Artificial intelligence, and Robotics. Your favorable evaluation of my application will be highly appreciated.



  “Life is Like a Box of Chocolates. You Never Know What You are Going to Get”. Such words come from a famous movie “Forrest Gump”. I don’t know what kind of chocolate life will give me, but I believe I can achieve my target if I work hard with my unwavering beli and persevering forts like Forrest Gump. As a student of Mechanical Engineering, I have just finished my undergraduate study since July. Next what I have to face is to choose the new chocolate which I have yearned for all long. With four-year study of M.E. in China, I would like to scale higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies in XXXX University, as I believe its rich learning environment and free academic atmosphere will open my eyes to new realities and influence me to confront the situation back home.

  My strong interest in research was born during the undergraduate years at XX University. Upon entering the university in 2000, I began to embark on my journey of industrious study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. My exceptionally solid foundation in mathematics and physics provided me with a stepping stone with which I proceeded onto the exploration of other sophisticated and erudite subjects. My performance in all the specialty-related coursework not only enabled me to secure good GPA ranking me about top 17 in my grade among 169 students but also furnished me with a powerful instrument whereby to materialize my dreams in the research. I constantly congratulated my luck to obtain a lot of scholarships and awards, due to my academic achievement, from the university, especially the scholarship of “XX University – American United Technological Corporation”, awarded only for the best students who are both good at academic and social capacity. Not contented with doing a good job in mere coursework, I endeavored to keep abreast with the latest theories and technologies by reading extensively technical literature in recent journals and attending the lecture some famous professors made. During my undergraduate career, I have grasped every chance to do some researching work. I used to participate in at least six projects including the intern work in the factory, mechanical designs and graduate design.

  Especially during the period from September to November of 2003, I read many books and journals in the field of mechanical engineering such as “Handbook of Practical Gear Design” (Written by XXXX). In these books, I did intensive reading on the theory of the speed reducer. I investigated and discussed with my teacher on how to apply the theory into the practice. Then according to my teacher’s advice, I tried to organize a team consisting of five members to make a harmonic gear reducer. As a team leader, I should not only take charge of the whole arrangement of project but also make every member of the team cooperate with each other harmoniously. Bore starting the program, I, together with my team, made a detailed plan covering the schedule, materials, and equipment. The first step of our work is the design of the reducer. The design plan is as follows: (1) Set down the blue print. (2) Complete 3-D solid model with Pro/E software. (3) Finite-element analysis with ANSYS software. (4) Assembling simulation by using Pro/E. (5) Complete the 2-D draft of part and assembly. After two-week design work, we stepped to the next work, manufacture of the product. With the aid of the technique of computer, we plan the manufacturing process of every part. And then, all parts were made with various machine tools such as CNC lathe, wire electrical discharge machine, vertical machining center, and so on. Finally, we had toassembly all parts to the harmonic gear reducer, and test-drove it for many times. With five-week unremitting forts, we succeeded in the project of harmonic gear reducer and obtained the highest praise. This special experience makes it very helpful for my further study. Firstly, I find the connection between theory and practice. Textbooks could hardly cover everything, therore, if we want to learn more, we should pursue every opportunity to have practices. Meanwhile, I experienced the importance and mightiness of cooperation. In the project, we divided ourselves into several parts, not only doing one’s own work well, but also cooperating with each other harmoniously.

  Another case worthy mentioning is my design project for graduation, “Manufacturing and Performance of Electroplated CBN Tools”. The main objective of this project is the manufacturing of the electroplated CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) wheels and the research of its performance when grinding the heat-resisted steel. I had completed three steps of task. Firstly, I took charge of the manufacturing of electroplated CBN wheels, covering the following work: selecting electroplating solution, computing various electroplating parameters such as electrical current and temperature, adhering CBN to the tool base by electroplating a nickel layer. After these basic preparations, I had to do the second part of the research work to compare grinding abilities of electroplated CBN wheels with those of other wheels such as SiC wheels, Al2O3 wheels etc. This part of the work needs the researcher’s highly particularity and staidness. I did the detailed work as follows: (1) Grind heat-resisted steel with various wheels in the same grinding conditions. (2) Record data and compute the grinding ratio of various wheels. (3) Measure the surface roughness of the heat-resisted steel ground by various wheels. (4) Observe dulling and pullout of abrasive grains of various wheels by using optical microscope. In this part, we can conclude that electroplated wheels have far better grinding abilities than other wheels, by comparing parameters, such as grinding ratio, surface roughness etc. The final assignment of the project is to find out the most suitable parameters of grinding heat-resisted steel with electroplated CBN wheels, through comparing the grinding ratio and surface roughness of heat-resisted steel ground in different grinding parameters. By investigating the attributes of electroplated CBN wheels and concluding their practical grinding parameters, this project is very important in promoting the application of them.

  China’s unique advantage of labor force predicts the resplendent future of its Mechanical Engineering, especially the manufacture, and it is our beli that this day will come soon. On the other hand, there are so many experienced technicians in China, however, with the absence of advanced experts many advanced producing method cannot be used in practical yield. When I worked as intern in some factories, I found that most of them were still using facilities which were used in America about thirty years ago. Therore I want to use the advanced knowledge earned in United States, combined with my acquaintance with China, to improve the present situation and apply best the advanced scientific technology to practical social wealth as soon as possible. I hope to become a successful researcher in Mechanical Engineering, the arduous but exhilarative field. The significant progress achieved in M.E, with the extraordinary cultural and intellectual sources in your university, has attracted me greatly. Based on the study and the research experience in XX University, I am sure that I am qualified and would be an outstanding Ph.D. student. With the advanced courses, balanced program and distinguished faculty of your department, I would get a solid background for my future academic career.上12345678下




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