
2017-07-20 作者: 495阅读


  History Personal Statement

  My most important aim for the next few years is to further my studies of History. Studying the subject at GCSE and A Level has extended my interest in Social and European History, and how this relates to world History. The subject has enhanced my understanding and interest of current affairs and contemporary issues, which I enjoy following closely. As a student of History, I aim to extend my analytical and presentational skills. Once given an area to study, I like to research independently, but also working with others. My time at Sixth Form College has enabled me to improve my reliability, punctuality and ability to work individually, while coping with the demands of exams and deadlines. The AS levels I selected; English, Geography, History and Politics complemented each other well, enabling me to use the knowledge of one subject to develop my understanding of another. They have also extended my abilities in research, essay and report writing. My AS results proved pleasing, after analysing my results, they have given me realistic targets for the year ahead. I have evaluated my progress of my first year in order to find weaknesses in exam and study technique and I am working on these for a hopully successful outcome for the years ahead.

  In addition to my academic studies, I have achieved qualifications in first aid, and I feel confident to administer first aid in unlikely situations. Over the past two years, I have helped with a youth holiday scheme connected with my Church where I had responsibility for looking after and helping children. In my spare time, I enjoy reading non-fiction books, and travelling to see many parts of the country. My Duke of Edinburgh award scheme enabled me to deal fectively with decision making within a group.

  Out of College, a part-time job at a newsagent, over the past two years has given me responsibilities such as dealing with customers, stock and large amounts of money, and also being organised and punctual. At my secondary school, I helped to set up a student council, as I felt that there were student issues that needed to be dealt with. Other responsible positions I have held are both prect, and fifth year representative at my previous school, and form representative on the student council at my present college. Work experience at an Estate Agent in Cambridge gave me good experience of working in a city and commuting, and also insight into an area of business. I hope to travel and work at an orphanage near to Jakarta, which I have maintained links with, and also to New Zealand. My career prospects are lt open for now, but I do have interests in research and education.

  My main priority for now is to complete my A Levels to the best of my ability and to go on to University, not just for the degree but for the entire experience it has to offer and I look forward to moving on, learning and meeting new people.


  When I was two years old my family relocated from the New World, Canada, to the Old, and since then I have journeyed to places as far off as Rome, Egypt, and Thailand, among many others. Everywhere I travelled brought upon me a new wave of fresh fascination; not only in the cultural differences I noticed, but in the circumstances, traditions, and history that shaped them. Returning home, I became curious about what had moulded my own culture as I knew it. This was the beginning of a lifelong interest in material culture and historical heritage.

  This fascination soon developed into a passion – particularly when studying the medieval period. I wrote my IB Extended Essay on how the changing socio-political climate in England from the 11th to 15th centuries led to linguistic and sociolinguistic changes. Having chosen a subject that fascinated me, I found myself going beyond the requirements, organizing visits to the British Library and studying contemporary manuscripts. I had to familiarize myself with Middle English – and to some degree Old English and Old French – and my study of the original manuscripts was one of my most inspiring educational experiences to date.

  Soon I found that it was not enough to know about the past, I wanted also to learn where our knowledge of the past had come from. It was this curiosity that led me to an interest in archaeology. Thus when the school nominated me for a travel fellowship (a grant given to a student who most showed “courage and strength as an individual, genuineness, generosity, and high personal and academic standards”) I proposed to travel to Romania to work on an archaeological dig. In presenting me with the award, the judges praised my good planning and organization, and enthusiasm for the subject.

  I travelled to Romania in August 2007 to join an excavation of a Transylvanian castle dating from the 14th century. During my time there I received hands on experience of archaeological techniques, firsthand information from experts regarding practice and theory, and a wonderful look at the history and culture of a country to which I had never bore travelled. Although I had feared I might find the work tedious, I enjoyed every second of it. The experience heightened my interest in archaeology, and travelling alone helped me develop my maturity, organization, and independence.

  My interests go beyond the historical, however. I have a strong creative side, and study drama both in school and as an extracurricular activity, producing and acting in a number of productions. I also play the piano, having taken it up at the age of five, and enjoy composing pieces of all genres. I was recently commissioned by the arts department of my school to compose a score for a production of Animal Farm. On the other end of the academic spectrum, I am adept at logic and rational thinking, coming top in my school for two years running in the UK Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad. I think that such a variety of understanding is usul in allowing me a broad approach to problem solving and research.

  My main goal in attending university is to eventually advance my understanding to such a degree where I could teach the subject at university level. As part of my Diploma Programme, I frequently participate in community service projects in which I help senior citizens learn how to use computers, and teach drama to children with disabilities, and in doing so have developed better interpersonal skills and a strong teaching technique. These have been furthered by my experience as a counsellor at a summer camp in Canada, and I am certain these skills would work as an advantage should I ever teach history or archaeology myself.

  申请专业:历史学 History

  I intend to continue the study of History at university. As a subject I have been interested in since childhood, I enjoy studying the past and how it has shaped our future. The study of History allows us to view the mistakes and successes of the past and employ them to the future. a??History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are. (McCullough) History allows society to form an identity and to advance through learned tolerance and understanding.Last year in AS History I studied he unification of Italy which was key in my understanding of history. It was fascinating to explore how Italy came together as one country from several states and to discuss whether Italy would have formed alone or whether in required to push from those such as Garibaldi or Cavour.

  Having spent many years studying modern history and decided to take it upon myself to expand my knowledge into ancient history. Earlier this year I read a book called Cleopatra by Lucy Hughes- Hallet. It was interesting to read about such a famous and influential woman of history from another womans perspective. Often Cleopatra is portrayed as femme fatale- as in the portrait by John William Waterhouse or Shakespeare who said a??other women cloy the appetites they feed: but she makes hungry, where most she satisfies.

  She is often seen by historians as a seductive, potentially poisonous temptress, however this is not necessarily how Hughes-Hallet interprets her; to her she is plainer, more ambitious and less cruel. I think it is difficult to separate fact from fiction when it comes to ancient history and especially in this case someone as constantly redesigned as Cleopatra.

  History has taught me to make substantiated judgments and to interpret and analyse external material as well as my own opinions. I find History intriguing because it gives me the opportunity to study the development of human society over a long-term. My inquisitive mind has further contributed to my enthusiasm for the subject and I enjoy working independently. But all three of my subjects have honed my writing skills, to be able to select and organise knowledge and communicate it coherently and concisely. More specifically, Sociology has been helpful in discerning social trends, and understanding something of the human psyche; and English Literature allows me to study works, in context. All these skills will enable me to read History at university.

  I enjoy visiting museums and monuments of history when I have the opportunity. I particularly love the trench experience at the Imperial War Museum and more ancient history- such as the ancient human occupation of Britain - at the National History Museum.

  I work well within a team, but also have the necessary attributes to lead if I am called upon, demonstrated in my active participation in my school&aposs Charities Committee for the past six years, organising various charity events throughout the school. My work as secretary of the Charities Committee allows me to represent the school in the community and has taught me management and organisation skills. In school I have also been a keen participant in the orchestra in which I am lead violinist in school and also play for the borough. I have been involved in several school plays either back stage, in the orchestra or as part of the cast. I have also been involved in numerous school sports teams, including the netball and athletics teams. I am a naturally cheerful person who has a positive outlook on life, but with the maturity necessary for university, and as such, I feel that I am fully prepared for the academic step up to degree level. I greatly anticipating the opportunity not only to go to university, but specifically to read History as I know it will provide me with vital life skills, as well as giving me access to a potentially wide and varied career within the specialty.



  History Personal Statement

  My most important aim for the next few years is to further my studies of History. Studying the subject at GCSE and A Level has extended my interest in Social and European History, and how this relates to world History. The subject has enhanced my understanding and interest of current affairs and contemporary issues, which I enjoy following closely. As a student of History, I aim to extend my analytical and presentational skills. Once given an area to study, I like to research independently, but also working with others. My time at Sixth Form College has enabled me to improve my reliability, punctuality and ability to work individually, while coping with the demands of exams and deadlines. The AS levels I selected; English, Geography, History and Politics complemented each other well, enabling me to use the knowledge of one subject to develop my understanding of another. They have also extended my abilities in research, essay and report writing. My AS results proved pleasing, after analysing my results, they have given me realistic targets for the year ahead. I have evaluated my progress of my first year in order to find weaknesses in exam and study technique and I am working on these for a hopully successful outcome for the years ahead.

  In addition to my academic studies, I have achieved qualifications in first aid, and I feel confident to administer first aid in unlikely situations. Over the past two years, I have helped with a youth holiday scheme connected with my Church where I had responsibility for looking after and helping children. In my spare time, I enjoy reading non-fiction books, and travelling to see many parts of the country. My Duke of Edinburgh award scheme enabled me to deal fectively with decision making within a group.

  Out of College, a part-time job at a newsagent, over the past two years has given me responsibilities such as dealing with customers, stock and large amounts of money, and also being organised and punctual. At my secondary school, I helped to set up a student council, as I felt that there were student issues that needed to be dealt with. Other responsible positions I have held are both prect, and fifth year representative at my previous school, and form representative on the student council at my present college. Work experience at an Estate Agent in Cambridge gave me good experience of working in a city and commuting, and also insight into an area of business. I hope to travel and work at an orphanage near to Jakarta, which I have maintained links with, and also to New Zealand. My career prospects are lt open for now, but I do have interests in research and education.

  My main priority for now is to complete my A Levels to the best of my ability and to go on to University, not just for the degree but for the entire experience it has to offer and I look forward to moving on, learning and meeting new people.上123下




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