
2017-07-20 作者: 360阅读


  Ever since I looked at my first organism down a microscope I have had this arge to know what else is around me that I was not able to see with my naked eyes.The fascination of looking down a microscope and discovering many small organisms living without us knowing their presence makes one want to learn more about them.Know how they survive, how to destroy them,if they are hamul to us, and even know how to prevent them from coming back.This and the fact that there has being a growing number of deaths caused by cancer,a disease am sure that a cure will be found, one can’t stop and see what its doing to peoples lives.I believe studying this course will enable me to be close to finding its cure so as to bring joy to others.

  I chose to study in the United Kingdom because of its reputation of having the top research institute for diseases, IBMS. Education wise United Kingdom has the top universites of the world. While studying in the United Kingdom I also have a chance to improve my English language by intreracting and communicating with differnt international students from all over the world.

  I am currently studying a Univesity Foundation Programme at David Game College. I am taking Pure Maths, Statistics, followed by my major modules in Chemistry, Biology, Physics. The course will benit me to succeed at university.

  After eventually gaining a Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Science, this will also enable me in furthering my degree by doing Biomedical Engineering because I find the joining of engineering and life facinating. Both of this courses strongly appeal to me. Not only will both of this courses help me in the way of possibly completing my goal, I believeit will also help me as a person.

  In my spare time I enjoy reading a good medical mystery noval,drawing whatever I can, I play sports like basketball, football and a bit of tennis now and then.Even though some of my spare time activities do not deal with my course am ready to learn. At being social I would say am average. At times I do visit museums with my sister so as to get a feel of science.

  In conclusion, I would like to say I am a very ambitious, highly movtivated and enthusiastic person. Am ready for the challenges that are awaiting for me in university. I have the ability to succeed and strive for excellence in everthing I do. Am loking forward to studying this career fulfuliment degree which will enable me to achieve my goal that I know will have an impact on the world.

  The human body has always intrigued me, its diverse mechanisms providing complex antibodies that recognize foreign organisms such as viruses and bacteria. It’s these organisms that are working everyday and every night to maintain and sustain the way of life we so frequently take for granted. Its adaptation to this harsh world is quite extraordinary. With the correct medical influence the body may one day be impenetrable to disease. This beli alone inspires me to take on the challenge of medicine. The body still holds many secrets yet to be discovered, this motivates me to learn about the anatomy and physiology in more detail. Not only this, but the compassion and care needed to help patients makes me strive to complete my journey to medicine. Studying the body’s systems and make up made me realize the fragility of the human body and the huge responsibility a doctor or scientist has. One missed judgment could be fatal. In my AS year I enjoyed Organic chemistry in module 3 the most as it was the most puzzling I had to piece together the answers from complex isomeric compounds to find the correct answers. Biology relates more on the anatomical and physiological side of Biomedicine. I rather enjoyed the circulatory system learning about the mammalian heart and its many fantastic uses. Chemistry and Biology have given me a large insight into the workings of the human body.To learn the complexity of the body and apply it to a patient successfully and to see the gratitude, I would imagine, is highly satisfying in a job like this. The work I need to put in for this career is great and I shall not forget that the rewards are also very great and not only inspiring but encouraging. The greatest challenge of all lies ahead and I look forward to tackling it. I recently went to work at a Dental Surgery. The whole week was spent shadowing the dentist to observe not only his clinical skills but his people skills, how he talked with patients, the safety measures he took to make absolute safety in the surgery. This enhanced my understanding of the health profession greatly and gave me an insight to future procedures in my health career. The year bore, I worked in a laboratory for AstraZeneca, a major pharmaceutical company.

  The company focused on certain diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardio inflammatory infections such as arthritis. My clinical skills were developed greatly as I learnt about a great deal of procedures and tests with agar plates, watching the results of bacteria multiplying. Throughout my time at AstraZeneca I frequently asked questions about a medical career and how the company’s involvement fits into the career. I talked to professors, doctors, PhD academics and team leaders gaining usul facts about medicines and clinical skills. They explained procedures for sterilization and how to prevent cross infections by explaining safety measures. Recently I have applied for a full first aid course with a company called Envico (November). My medical skills will be improved greatly as the course covers the basics on treatment to minor and a few major injuries. In December I will be attending a course at Imperial College, London. The course will provide a vital in sight to a career in health sciences as I will be taking part in lectures giving detailed explanations. In my own time I keep up to date with medical developments, I read the ‘New Scientist’ which I find to be very interesting at times. I am applying to my local hospital for voluntary work for more experience. I will be working one day a week shadowing doctors and watching different procedures that they go through. My subjects related to medicine are chemistry and biology. Both requiring me to maintain and hold a lot of information and apply it to complex questions.I look forward to studying at degree level and I am committed to a career that improves the health of others

  My grandfather used to be a teacher in Biology and I really enjoyed reading and looking through his textbooks when I was a child. He is the person who first introduced me to the world of natural sciences and inspired me to further explore that field of study. Since then I have been captivated by the human anatomy: how it functions and what a complex and well-organized system it is. What attracts me most, however, are the human life processes and how they could be obstructed by disease. This is the reason why I choose to study Biomedical Science at degree level.

  My school curriculum included extensive study of Biology and Chemistry and I received a thorough grounding in this subject area. I had the opportunity to develop my analytical and communication skills while taking part in different study tasks and discussions. For me, the most intriguing were those about Genomic Structures, Biotechnological developments and Human Immunity. I also participated in several projects about Cell Reproduction and Human Anatomy (grade 10), Genetic mutations: the Down syndrome (grade 11), and a project in Organic Chemistry about “Cellulose (C6H10O5)n (grade 12). All those have enriched my knowledge and experience and enhanced my interest in Biology and Biomedicine. Moreover, I have always been fascinated by scientific research and the opportunity to become a specialist in diagnosis and treatment of human diseases.

  I can claim that I am a well-organized person and I always manage to find time for my diverse interests. While in high school, I worked part-time as a waitress in a restaurant and I gained usul experience. I improved my organizational skills because my position involved creating work schedules and training new employees. I also learnt how to handle stressful situations. Last but not least, I had the opportunity to practice and improve my communication skills in English. I think all these skills will be very usul for my degree course and will help me adapt to the new environment. My present position involves the use of computers for organizing databases and filling in documents. Also, I have the responsibility to provide accurate assessments of bank credit applicants. Both of these positions have helped me become more serious, independent and self-confident.

  Not all of my work experience has been as a paid employee. I was a volunteer in an orphanage where I helped children with their lessons and homework. I also worked with the talented ones providing advice and practice in drawing and singing. Assisting the psychologist who worked with those kids, I was able to appreciate the importance of good health to human development and everyday life. The experience made me realize how much I would like to care for people and that I would like to embrace the opportunity to study Biomedical Science, with an emphasis on human immunity, diseases and life processes.

  I am applying for a degree course in the U.K. because British universities provide excellent opportunities not only to gain professional qualifications of the highest standard, but also to live and work in a multicultural environment. I have no doubt that I will be able to cope with a course taught in English because I have studied the language for 5 years at school and I attended an extra-curricular intensive course for 6 months when I was in grade 11.

  Out of school, I have also found time for different sports activities, art classes and poetry writing. I am a member of a Karate club and I have participated in several local competitions and two art contests where I gained 1st place. In 2006 I was awarded 1st prize in a poetry contest. All these activities helped me become a hard-working, competitive person and taught me how to show my best.

  Biomedical Science is a great course which will give me a good grounding in both practice and theory. After graduating from university I would like to continue my education in the field of Medicine.

  My interest in science widened when I started high school. It gave me the opportunity to do well on my favourite subjects. This opportunity led me to have the interest on the physical human health; specifically the known illnesses that we can have at present and might have in the future. I ask myself questions like: Why do we get ill? Why do our adapted bodies fail to protect itself? How does it happen? How can it be treated? How can we avoid recurrences? I have an immense curiosity in the excellent design together with the imperfections of the human body. My aim is to gain competence in research, diagnosis and particularly the treatment of human diseases and of course, practice it. I know that pursuing higher education and undergoing this course will further widen my knowledge and help me achieve my aim.

  At college, I took Chemistry, Human Biology and Physics. In chemistry, I was attracted to the organic side because it is the field that deals with formulation of drugs and greatly overlaps with biology. It sharpened my laboratory techniques including the use of pipettes and burettes which I will need to do titrations, spectroscopy and other quantitative and qualitative analysis. In biology, I typically enjoyed learning human immunity, human genetics and the possible uses of its development. I also realised the superior design of living bodies to adapt to their environment that leads to their evolution. Physics on the other hand provided me the knowledge to deal with concerns of reliability, precision/accuracy, and its fects to the interpretation of gathered data.

  Whilst studying my AS, I worked as a community care worker during the weekends that’s concerned with caring for the elderly and people with disability. With this job I realise my enthusiasm to care for people and get gratitude in return. Now, for my gap year, I’m currently employed as a care assistant in a nursing home in which I work closely with people in the nursing profession primarily undertaking palliative care for the elderly. With this paid-work, I am able to see how a private health care environment functions to succeed in promoting life and well-being. I have learnt the some types of drugs that are used, how they work and what they are for; either to prevent or cure illness or control disorders. Also, I gained experience on how to deal with awkward situations towards people that are not in the right state of mind or unwell. I have improved transferable skills like ficient time management and team playing as I work in a group of other care assistants that needs to finish tasks within a specified time. I also practiced being a team-leader as I have helped to train new care assistants to integrate themselves in the work environment. I became reliable and confident in what I do because I have exercised the responsibility I am given to care for the service users I look after. To help me with this job and potentially my professional job in the future, I am currently studying NVQ II in Social and Health Care.

  In my free time, I usually cycle around the town and parks just for exercise. I also enjoy swimming, dancing, socialising with friends and especially going out.

  After I finish my degree I am planning to take my learning to the next level by studying medicine and specialise in the field of pathology.

  I have always been interested in Biology and Chemistry. I find them stimulating and challenging subjects, and over the years of studying them both, my interest in them has increased. This is why studying biomedical sciences at university is an ideal choice for me

  This year, whilst studying for my AS level subjects, I attended a Biology Conference at Westminster Centre Hall to increase my understanding of today’s biological world. There were a variety of speakers; I was particularly fascinated by Professor Lord Robert Winston’s lecture on infertility and IVF, the concepts of it, and the morality behind reproductive manipulation, which also discussed how acceptable it is to interfere with human reproduction just because the technology to do so exists. Another lecture I found captivating was by Professor Gordon McVie, on cancer cells, which illustrated what happens to cells to cause them to develop into tumours. I enhanced my knowledge about these subjects from the magazine ‘Biological Sciences’, which includes articles from various professors and doctors. Over the past year this magazine has stimulated my interest in biology and medicine. By reading it I have increased my understanding of the influence of today’s biotechnology and the ethical problems resulting from it, which has lead me to believe that bioethics plays a significant role in the developments in medicine. This understanding of the concepts has allowed me to question the right and wrong of some of the issues, and how the law fits in. Another feature I have found intriguing is the conservation of biodiversity, which does not just include biological factors but also cultural, social and economic ones

  Over the summer 2004, I completed work experience within a GP’s surgery, where I was able to sit in on doctor- patient sessions, where permissible. This amplified my perception of doctor-patient relationships and allowed me to view what demands are made upon a doctor

  At school, I am a laboratory assistant in the Chemistry department, where I help set up experiments for coming lessons. Also during school hours, I attend a veteran’s home; St David’s, where I talk to the people there and build an understanding of their lives, something I find is rewarding on both parties. My mathematical studies have allowed me to think logically and also stimulate my mind. I have done the intermediate mathematical challenge and received a gold and silver; I will soon be taking the senior mathematical challenge. History has helped me develop vital analytical skills and helped me understand the importance of past mistakes. In Chemistry, I find the organic side of the course more thought provoking, especially making drugs such as aspirin and acquiring knowledge of its history

  Biology is where my interest of studying Biomedical sciences stems from, as it explains a world not visible to the eye, yet plays a central role in everyday life

  Out of school, I partake in life drawing classes; this motivates my interest in art and allows me to think in a broader manner. I find it is an exercise that expands my thoughts, leading to more diverse ideas, which I feel is important, in comparison to thinking within set boundaries. I have a weekend job at Waterstone’s and this allows me to interact with people and help develop my communication skills. It has also helped me build up my team working skills, which helps me to be a more reliable and trustworthy person. I also tutor for 11+ plus exams, in which I help children with their mathematics, reading and verbal reasoning skills. This is a worthwhile and enjoyable experience. My school and out of school activities have allowed me to increase my ability to manage my time, which I believe has considerable importance for studying Biomedical Sciences.

  Over the past two years I have acquired a blend of diverse scientific knowledge, analytical skills and time management. My Biology and Chemistry A-levels have given me an appreciation of how molecular structures create complex biochemical systems, which in turn can give rise to changes on the macro scale of tissues and organs on which medicine works. Psychology offers a scientific understanding of mental phenomenon at an alternative level to molecular interactions while rining my essay writing and evaluating skills. This has developed my ability to articulate scientific ideas clearly and concisely in extended prose. My current interests lye in the study of mammalian microbiology, disease and genetics and I am currently finding ‘The Making of the Fittest’ by Sean B. Carroll an enlightening read. I am particularly interested by the physiology of the eye and how photoreceptor pigments have evolved and differ between species due to selection pressures. In conclusion Biomedical Sciences will help me to transfer my scientific interests into a well regarded, fascinating speciality with practical impacts.

  In addition to A-Levels, I have prepared for higher education through the Manchester Access Programme (MAP), to increase access to top universities for academically able students. For MAP I enjoyed writing an assignment on atherosclerosis aimed beyond A-Level standard, for which I gained a perfect score. My research taught me at an atomic level how redox signalling imposes inflammatory responses as well as encouraging phagocytosis of cholesterol in the tunica intima. The resulting ‘foam cells’ die and cholesterol is deposited again. This gave me an insight into how biological repair can sometimes propagate further problems for the body; in this case atheromatous lesions are formed. My mentor for the MAP was studying for a PhD in Biology and discussions with him have given me an informed perspective of the demands of Degree level study while also an ambition to succeed at Degree level and beyond. The challenge of MAP inspired me to undertake the Perspectives on Science Extended Project; currently I am considering controversies in medical science, and enjoying debating the MMR vaccine including the influence of Dr Andrew Wakield and particular media figures. I shall soon begin the dissertation aspect of the course in which I shall ask what modern genetics can and cannot tell us about humans, which in part will evaluate the extent of the role genes actually play in predisposing humans to traits and behaviours.

  Furthermore to help identify my ideal degree course I undertook several work placements. These included volunteering for a short time at Wigan & Leigh Hospital and shadowing my local GP. These two periods gave me insights into possible career opportunities allied to healthcare and pharmacy, as well as the role of disease in society. That aside, I feel that I always respond well when surrounded by talented peers, so I believe Degree level study will help to increase my maturity and intellect, but also enabling me to raise the standard of others. Alongside my academic dedication I have been able to enjoy many hobbies, allowing me to relax and spend time away from work. I play for both an eleven and six a-side football team and I believe team sport has helped me become more of a leader, able to give and receive constructive criticism. I am always active in my leisure and I feel this will help me to easily adapt to universitylife.

  Ultimately, I believe I am well informed concerning the demands and opportunities of a Biomedical Sciences course. As a result I am confident that my interest, enjoyment and motivation throughout the course will remain high. I also feel I am suited to higher education due to my enthusiastic, competitive and proactive nature as well as my aptitude for science.

  The human body is a masterpiece of creation. The complexity of communication between cells, intriguing dense mechanisms against disease and the beholder of the blueprint to human existence; the human body is a world in its self.

  Its diversity in coping with disease has captivated me since I was a child. My Nan was a great inspiration in my education, providing me with many books to fuel my thirst for knowledge. Her death to cancer, along with my Auntie’s prolonged battle with Multiple Sclerosis has given me an insight into how illness can affect a person’s life. This has provided a great determination to understand the causes of such devastating diseases.

  Studying A-levels in biology and chemistry has confirmed my desire to understand these concepts as I find them stimulating and fascinating. A course in biomedical science will allow me to pursue a career as a research scientist. In particular I have enjoyed aspects of immunology and genetics during my studies in biology. Recent coursework in geography allowed me to explore heart disease and malaria from an epidemiological point of view. I found studying disease from this perspective very interesting. I have also found many aspects of chemistry rewarding, especially features of organic chemistry such as the module surrounding diabetes, along with topics including biochemistry.

  Work experience with the Peninsular Medical School allowed me to engage in valuable practical experience. This involved an insight into research of various aspects of diabetes, and included immunohistochemistry, PCR&apos and gel electrophoresis. I found the method for immunohistochemistry fascinating, and was able to participate in the procedure, eventually producing photographs of the pancreas tissue from a microscope. This experience has further inspired me to pursue a career in biomedical science.

  Along with my studies I have taken part in a number of school activities. I was a student leader (prect) during years 10 and 11, which involved watching younger students in the ICT suit, and overseeing their work during lunch times. This involved me being punctual and helped develop my leadership skills. During year 12 I completed a mental health course with Coasts, and a course with the Leadership Trust. Activities with the Leadership Trust aimed to develop myself as an individual through a number of tasks. These tasks also helped improve my ability to work in a team along with my problem solving skills. I have also participated in house music festivals which I found very enjoyable.

  Recently I have acquired a part time job as a sales assistant at Toys R Us, which has improved my confidence and interpersonal skills. During my spare time I take pleasure in drawing. The attention to fine detail and the calming atmosphere provides a break from my studies. I also take pleasure in various sporting activities. Since the age of 9 I have been a keen horse rider, and although I am unable to have my own horse, I take riding lessons on a regular basis. I enjoy horse riding as it gives me a break from my studies whilst still making me use my initiative. Surfing is another sport which I have a passion for. Travelling to various surfing locations around the South West is inspiring and it has also improved my ability to make decisions whilst under pressure. I also enjoy finding out about new discoveries and breakthroughs in science. One example that I found distinctly interesting was the patient who appeared to be cured of HIV after a bone marrow transplant.

  Studying biomedical science at university will be a valuable experience which I feel I am ready to accomplish. University has been my ambition since I was a child and I believe I have gained the personal qualities to achieve my potential.

  For a long time, I have been captivated by the science of medicine and the amazing chemistry and biology of the human body. This is a love that has been enhanced by extensive reading of a wide range of texts; from journals such as The Lancet, BMJ, sBMJ and Scientific American and New Scientist, to medical rerence books and books on the history of medicine. This love of medical science is a main aspect that draws me to this course, coupled with the challenge of this route and the desire for a rewarding and worthwhile career.

  I had one week’s work experience at QEII Hospital, where I was able to observe many aspects of the hospital and medical teams, in many departments, including anæsthesia, bronchoscopy, surgery both in main theatres and simple day surgery, MRI scans and post scan diagnosis, early pregnancy and gynaecology, and sitting in with a respiratory consultant in an outpatient clinic. In this last placement, I learnt a great deal about doctor-patient interactions, and about many disorders of the pulmonary system. I was allowed to examine a patient with a pulse-oximeter, a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope whilst the doctor instructed me in diagnostic technique. During the week I came into contact with some remarkable patients and some inspirational doctors, and it has served to greatly increase my desire to follow this path in life. I have also organised at some point to assist the local District Nurse on home visits.

  I have decided to take a gap year, in which I can gain incredibly valuable clinical experience. During my time at the QEII, I was able to consult with personnel officers in the Human Resources department and I will be able to secure a position as a health care assistant after leaving sixth form.

  I was a member of the Sea Cadet Corps (SCC) for three years, bore leaving to focus more on my academic studies. During this time I learned invaluable skills such as discipline and the importance of teamwork. I also accumulated several SCC qualifications, in diverse areas such as drill command, boat work (sailing, power, kayaking and rowing), catering, electrical and marine engineering, music and campcraft. I achieved a First Aid qualification of SCC 1st class and Royal Naval Lv. 2, equivalent to a St. John’s Ambulance First Aid at Work qualification; this lead to me being put in a position of responsibility, I was one of the appointed first aiders at the cadet unit, and when on expeditions I acted as first aider in the field. These three years have imbued me with a strong sense of teamwork and leadership, qualities I believe to be invaluable in a potential medic.

  I am a very diligent and dedicated student, and I hope to extend this commitment to studying medicine. I will be pursuing further work experience and continuing my personal study, and I trust that this will truly enhance my experience at University. I fully accept that studying medicine is a life-long commitment, and full of opportunities and daily challenges; I look forward to facing them.



  Ever since I looked at my first organism down a microscope I have had this arge to know what else is around me that I was not able to see with my naked eyes.The fascination of looking down a microscope and discovering many small organisms living without us knowing their presence makes one want to learn more about them.Know how they survive, how to destroy them,if they are hamul to us, and even know how to prevent them from coming back.This and the fact that there has being a growing number of deaths caused by cancer,a disease am sure that a cure will be found, one can’t stop and see what its doing to peoples lives.I believe studying this course will enable me to be close to finding its cure so as to bring joy to others.

  I chose to study in the United Kingdom because of its reputation of having the top research institute for diseases, IBMS. Education wise United Kingdom has the top universites of the world. While studying in the United Kingdom I also have a chance to improve my English language by intreracting and communicating with differnt international students from all over the world.

  I am currently studying a Univesity Foundation Programme at David Game College. I am taking Pure Maths, Statistics, followed by my major modules in Chemistry, Biology, Physics. The course will benit me to succeed at university.

  After eventually gaining a Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Science, this will also enable me in furthering my degree by doing Biomedical Engineering because I find the joining of engineering and life facinating. Both of this courses strongly appeal to me. Not only will both of this courses help me in the way of possibly completing my goal, I believeit will also help me as a person.

  In my spare time I enjoy reading a good medical mystery noval,drawing whatever I can, I play sports like basketball, football and a bit of tennis now and then.Even though some of my spare time activities do not deal with my course am ready to learn. At being social I would say am average. At times I do visit museums with my sister so as to get a feel of science.

  In conclusion, I would like to say I am a very ambitious, highly movtivated and enthusiastic person. Am ready for the challenges that are awaiting for me in university. I have the ability to succeed and strive for excellence in everthing I do. Am loking forward to studying this career fulfuliment degree which will enable me to achieve my goal that I know will have an impact on the world.





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