
2017-07-20 作者: 480阅读

  Hospitality management personal statement

  The experience I gained while travelling and staying in various hotels positively affected my final decision to choose the hospitality business as the industry to realize myself and work in.

  Since my childhood I have had an opportunity to develop myself both physically and intellectually. I am good at swimming and even won 3 city competitions. I am also keen on dancing where the 3rd place and the audience prize at the belly dance contest “Miss Oriental 2007” was my latest achievement. These skills help me to be in good shape because any employee of the hotel is its face and should look impeccably. Sport gives birth to a vast array of qualities such as aspiration to leadership and victory, diligence, firmness, persistence, self-confidence and motivation and possessing these traits can lead to management.

  Since my elementary school I have always wanted to take the leading position everywhere. I have tried to take part in all school events, working in the school’s activity and participating in concerts, Russian, German, English and Latvian olympiads and sport competitions. I have been a member of the Drama Club, called ‘Reveranss’, for 5 years, having played in many performances, and as a consequence I have a broad outlook and an open mind. Besides, it is really significant for me to help to raise my school’s rating.

  You might think that everything is easily achievable for me. However, reaching any target is a toil. Actually, sometimes I did not even sleep for nights to meet deadlines. For instance, last year I was working over my project about Saint-Petersburg for a week alone, but it was worth it and I won a 10-day excursion to this amazing city. Apart from that, I have always taken a keen interest in learning languages and studying new topics. As a result, the language is not a setback for me due to school’s rigorous syllabus in teaching English. In addition, I am very punctual. Punctuality is a relevant quality that every hotel manager needs. Being late means disrespect and is absolutely unacceptable in the sphere of hospitality.

  When I ask my friends and acquaintances to say something about me, they describe me as a sociable, industrious, creative, energetic and optimistic person, with a good sense of humor. I appreciate meeting new people. I can listen to them and be tolerant and tactful. What is more, I have always been fond of studying business, economics and marketing as to understand the reasons of the development in different countries and to become acquainted with the methods of achieving the ideal structure and analyzing the economical situation in order to find a right way to success.

  I personally believe that your university will assist me to successfully reach my objective to become a hotel manager. I want to make my contribution into this field. I have recently been to England and this journey helped me to make my choice of the United Kingdom as the place for studying as I consider the UK to be the place where I can obtain a high-quality education, and afterwards successfully apply my knowledge to practical work. I enjoy self-education and I believe that this process will greatly benit under the supervision of leading experts. Due to all the above mentioned, I am fully confident of the fact that entering your university will be the right step. Then may be one day the poor 3-star Italian hotel I stayed at will become a magnificent 5-star one.






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