
2017-07-20 作者: 210阅读



  ·Unusual circumstances in your life 你生活中不寻常的情况

  ·An academic experience(course,project,paper or research topic) that has meant the most to you 对你最重要的学习经历(课程,项目,论文,研究题目)

  ·Travel or living experiences in other countries 到其它国家旅行或生活的经历

  ·A list of books you have read during the past twelve months 过去一年你读过的书

  ·Books that have affected you the most 对你影响最大的书籍


  ·Your favorite book 你最喜欢的书:

  ·Your favorite movie你最喜欢的电影:

  ·Your favorite website你最喜欢的网站:

  ·Two adjective your friends would use to describe you你的朋友会用哪两个形容词来形容你

  ·Your favorite recording 你最喜欢的歌曲:

  ·Your favorite keepsake or memento

  ·Your favorite source of inspiration

  ·Your favorite word你最喜欢的词:

  ·Your favorite line from a movie or book (and its title)电影或者书中你最喜欢的一句话:


  ·What would you do with a free afternoon tomorrow? 如果明天下午你有空,你会做些什么?

  ·Recall a compliment you received that you especially value. What was it? From whom did it come? 回想一下最让你骄傲的赞美。它是什么样的赞美?谁对你说的?

  ·If you could witness one moment in history, what would it be and why? 如果你可以见证历史中的一刻,那一刻是什么?为什么?

  ·What do you wish you were better at being or doing? 你希望自己哪些方面可以更好或者什么事情可以做得更好?

  ·If you were choosing students to form a Yale class, what question would you ask here that we have not? 如果你要筛选出学生组成耶鲁的一个班级,你会提出什么我们没有提到的问题?


  ·List the books you read for pleasure in the past year列出你去年读过的课外书:

  ·List the required readings you enjoyed most in the past year列出你去年最喜欢的、学校要求的书:

  ·List the print and/or electronic publications you read regularly列出你定期阅读的纸版、电子刊物:

  ·List the films, performances, exhibits, concerts, shows, etc. you enjoyed most in the past year:列出你在去年最喜欢的电影、表演、展览、演唱会、节目等等。


  ·Describe yourself in three words: 三个词描述自己

  ·Favorite food: 最喜欢的食物:

  ·Favorite fictional character: 最喜欢小说角色:

  ·Greatest invention of all time: 史上最伟大的发明

  ·Role model: 偶像(榜样):

  ·Favorite book: 最喜欢的书籍:

  ·*Best movie of all time: 史上最好的电影:

  ·*Favorite musical performer/band, or composer:最喜欢的音乐家、乐队或作曲人:

  ·*Dream job: 理想的工作:


  ·Unusual circumstances in your life 你生活中不寻常的情况

  ·An academic experience(course,project,paper or research topic) that has meant the most to you 对你最重要的学习经历(课程,项目,论文,研究题目)

  ·Travel or living experiences in other countries 到其它国家旅行或生活的经历

  ·A list of books you have read during the past twelve months 过去一年你读过的书

  ·Books that have affected you the most 对你影响最大的书籍


  ·Your favorite book 你最喜欢的书:

  ·Your favorite movie你最喜欢的电影:

  ·Your favorite website你最喜欢的网站:

  ·Two adjective your friends would use to describe you你的朋友会用哪两个形容词来形容你

  ·Your favorite recording 你最喜欢的歌曲:

  ·Your favorite keepsake or memento

  ·Your favorite source of inspiration

  ·Your favorite word你最喜欢的词:

  ·Your favorite line from a movie or book (and its title)电影或者书中你最喜欢的一句话:


  ·What would you do with a free afternoon tomorrow? 如果明天下午你有空,你会做些什么?

  ·Recall a compliment you received that you especially value. What was it? From whom did it come? 回想一下最让你骄傲的赞美。它是什么样的赞美?谁对你说的?

  ·If you could witness one moment in history, what would it be and why? 如果你可以见证历史中的一刻,那一刻是什么?为什么?

  ·What do you wish you were better at being or doing? 你希望自己哪些方面可以更好或者什么事情可以做得更好?

  ·If you were choosing students to form a Yale class, what question would you ask here that we have not? 如果你要筛选出学生组成耶鲁的一个班级,你会提出什么我们没有提到的问题?


  ·List the books you read for pleasure in the past year列出你去年读过的课外书:

  ·List the required readings you enjoyed most in the past year列出你去年最喜欢的、学校要求的书:

  ·List the print and/or electronic publications you read regularly列出你定期阅读的纸版、电子刊物:

  ·List the films, performances, exhibits, concerts, shows, etc. you enjoyed most in the past year:列出你在去年最喜欢的电影、表演、展览、演唱会、节目等等


  ·Describe yourself in three words: 三个词描述自己

  ·Favorite food: 最喜欢的食物:

  ·Favorite fictional character: 最喜欢小说角色:

  ·Greatest invention of all time: 史上最伟大的发明

  ·Role model: 偶像(榜样):

  ·Favorite book: 最喜欢的书籍:

  ·*Best movie of all time: 史上最好的电影:

  ·*Favorite musical performer/band, or composer:最喜欢的音乐家、乐队或作曲人:

  ·*Dream job: 理想的工作:





  ·Unusual circumstances in your life 你生活中不寻常的情况

  ·An academic experience(course,project,paper or research topic) that has meant the most to you 对你最重要的学习经历(课程,项目,论文,研究题目)

  ·Travel or living experiences in other countries 到其它国家旅行或生活的经历

  ·A list of books you have read during the past twelve months 过去一年你读过的书

  ·Books that have affected you the most 对你影响最大的书籍


  ·Your favorite book 你最喜欢的书:

  ·Your favorite movie你最喜欢的电影:

  ·Your favorite website你最喜欢的网站:

  ·Two adjective your friends would use to describe you你的朋友会用哪两个形容词来形容你

  ·Your favorite recording 你最喜欢的歌曲:

  ·Your favorite keepsake or memento

  ·Your favorite source of inspiration

  ·Your favorite word你最喜欢的词:

  ·Your favorite line from a movie or book (and its title)电影或者书中你最喜欢的一句话:


  ·What would you do with a free afternoon tomorrow? 如果明天下午你有空,你会做些什么?

  ·Recall a compliment you received that you especially value. What was it? From whom did it come? 回想一下最让你骄傲的赞美。它是什么样的赞美?谁对你说的?

  ·If you could witness one moment in history, what would it be and why? 如果你可以见证历史中的一刻,那一刻是什么?为什么?

  ·What do you wish you were better at being or doing? 你希望自己哪些方面可以更好或者什么事情可以做得更好?

  ·If you were choosing students to form a Yale class, what question would you ask here that we have not? 如果你要筛选出学生组成耶鲁的一个班级,你会提出什么我们没有提到的问题?


  ·List the books you read for pleasure in the past year列出你去年读过的课外书:

  ·List the required readings you enjoyed most in the past year列出你去年最喜欢的、学校要求的书:

  ·List the print and/or electronic publications you read regularly列出你定期阅读的纸版、电子刊物:

  ·List the films, performances, exhibits, concerts, shows, etc. you enjoyed most in the past year:列出你在去年最喜欢的电影、表演、展览、演唱会、节目等等。


  ·Describe yourself in three words: 三个词描述自己

  ·Favorite food: 最喜欢的食物:

  ·Favorite fictional character: 最喜欢小说角色:

  ·Greatest invention of all time: 史上最伟大的发明

  ·Role model: 偶像(榜样):

  ·Favorite book: 最喜欢的书籍:

  ·*Best movie of all time: 史上最好的电影:

  ·*Favorite musical performer/band, or composer:最喜欢的音乐家、乐队或作曲人:

  ·*Dream job: 理想的工作:上12下




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