华盛顿大学-圣路易斯奖学金要求 名校奖学金并不遥不可及

2017-07-18 作者: 22阅读





School: Choose one that matches your academic interest indicated on admission application

Name of Scholarship or Fellowship


Application/ Recommendations Needed?

College of Arts & Sciences: Honorary Scholars Program

Arthur Holly Compton Fellowship Program

Up to 4 full-tuition fellowships with a $1,000 stipend in physical sciences and mathematics

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation

George E. Mylonas Scholarship Program

Up to 4 full-tuition scholarships with a $1,000 stipend in humanities

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation

Florence Moog Fellowship Program

Up to 4 full-tuition fellowships with a $1,000 stipend in biological sciences and chemistry

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation

Arnold J. Lien Scholarship Program

Up to 4 full-tuition scholarships with a $1,000 stipend in social sciences

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation

Liselotte Dieckmann Scholarship Program

Up to 16 half-tuition scholarships in the College of Arts & Sciences

No. Students are chosen from theCompton, Mylonas, Moog, and Lien applicant pool.

Howard Nemerov Writing Scholars Program

Up to 10 $3,000 scholarships

Application plus writing portfolio/English teacherrecommendation

J. Stephen Fossett Pathfinder Fellowship

Up to 1 full-tuition fellowship with a research stipend.

Application/ 2 teacher recommendations/ optional research recommendation


James W. Fitzgibbon Scholarships

1 full-tuition scholarship with a $1,000 stipend; up to 5 $6,000 scholarships



Conway/Proetz Scholarships

1 full-tuition scholarship; up to 5 $6,000 scholarships

No. All applicants to theCollegeofArtwho include portfolios are automatically considered for this scholarship. There is no separate application.


Dean’s Scholarships in Business

1 or more full-tuition scholarships; up to 5 partial-tuition scholarships

Application/3 recommendations, at least 1 from a teacher

SchoolofEngineering& Applied Science: Engineering Scholarship Programs

Alexander S. Langsdorf Fellowships

Up to 4 full-tuition fellowships

Application/2 recommendations, with 1 from a teacher

Calvin M. Woodward Fellowships

Up to 8 partial-tuition fellowships, up to half tuition each

No. Students are chosen from the Langsdorf applicant pool.

James M. McKelvey Undergraduate Research Award

Up to 8 $5,000 research awards

Application/2 recommendations, with 1 from a teacher

Arts & Sciences, Engineering

Summer Scholars Program in Biology and Biomedical Research

Up to 20 scholars receive travel expenses within theU.S., and living expenses for a 7-week on-campus stay during the summer preceding their freshman year

Application/science teacher recommendation

All Schools: You may apply for as many of these as you wish.

Entrepreneurial Scholars Program

Up to 8 $3,000 scholarships


2 recommendations

John B. Ervin Scholars Program

• Multiple partial-tuition scholarships

• Multiple full-tuition scholarships with $2,500 stipends


community leader recommendation

Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program

• Multiple partial-tuition scholarships

• Multiple full-tuition scholarships with $2,500 stipends



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