
2017-07-18 作者: 273阅读



本科专业名称专业英文名 会计 Accounting 非洲研究 Africana Studies 农业产业经济学 Agribusiness Economics 农业系统与教育 Agricultural Systems and Education 农业通讯 Agricultural Systems and Education-Agricultural Communications 农业教育 Agricultural Systems and Education-Agricultural Education 农业系统技术管理 Agricultural Systems and Education-Agricultural Systems Technology Management 农业生产管理 Agricultural Systems and Education-Agriculture Production Management 食品与加工工程技术 Agricultural Systems and Education-Food and Process Engineering Technology 农业学 Agricultural Systems and Education-General Agriculture 农业(待定) Agriculture 动物科学 Animal Science 马学 Animal Science-Equine Science 动物生产 Animal Science-Production 动物科学与兽医预科 Animal Science-Science & Pre-Veterinary 人类学 Anthropology 应用科学和艺术(待定) Applied Science & Arts 建筑学 Architectural Studies 艺术 Art 艺术(文学院) Art (College of Liberal Arts) 艺术教育(教育学院) Art-Art Education (College of Education and Human Services) 艺术教育(文学院) Art-Art Education (College of Liberal Arts) 艺术史 Art-Art History 陶瓷艺术 Art-Ceramics 传达设计 Art-Communication Design 绘图艺术 Art-Drawing 工作室艺术 Art-General Studio 玻璃工艺 Art-Glass 工业设计 Art-Industrial Design 珠宝与金工艺术 Art-Metalsmithing 绘画 Art-Painting 版画 Art-Printmaking 雕塑 Art-Sculpture 汽车技术 Automotive Technology 航空飞行 Aviation Flight 航空管理 Aviation Management 航空技术 Aviation Technologies 飞机维修 Aviation Technologies-Aircraft Maintenance 航空电子 Aviation Technologies-Aviation Electronics 直升机维修 Aviation Technologies-Helicopter Maintenance 生物科学(教育学院) Biological Sciences (College of Education and Human Services) 生物科学(理学院) Biological Sciences (College of Science) 生物医学科学 Biological Sciences-Biomedical Science 生态学 Biological Sciences-Ecology 工商管理 Business and Administration 商业经济 Business Economics 商务(待定) Business 化学 Chemistry 化学(理学院) Chemistry (College of Science) 化学 Chemistry-American Chemical Society Certification 生物化学 Chemistry-Biochemistry 商业化学 Chemistry-Business 综合化学 Chemistry-Comprehensive Chemistry 环境化学 Chemistry-Environmental Chemistry 法医化学 Chemistry-Forensic Chemistry 脊椎矫正预科 Chiropractic-Pre 电影与摄影 Cinema & Photography 电影 Cinema & Photography-Cinema 摄影 Cinema & Photography-Photography 土木工程 Civil Engineering 环境工程 Civil Engineering-Environmental Engineering 古典文学 Classics 沟通障碍 Communication Disorders 计算机和电子工程(双学位) Computer and Electrical Engineering (dual degree) 计算机工程 Computer Engineering 计算机科学 Computer Science 犯罪学与刑事司法 Criminology and Criminal Justice 土壤和环境管理 Crop, Soil and Environmental Management 作物生产与管理 Crop, Soil and Environmental Management-Crop Production and Management[Science and General] 土壤科学 Crop, Soil and Environmental Management-Soil Science[Science and General] 口腔卫生 Dental Hygiene 牙医预科 Dentistry-Pre 设计 Design 设计学 Design-General Design 早教 Early Childhood 儿童和家庭服务 Early Childhood-Child and Family Services 学前教育 Early Childhood-Preschool/Primary 经济学 Economics 金融经济学 Economics-Financial Economics 一般经济学 Economics-General Economics 国际经济学 Economics-International Economics 电气工程 Electrical Engineering 电气工程与计算机工程(双学位) Electrical Engineering-Computer Engineering (dual degree) 电子系统技术 Electronic Systems Technologies 电子管理 Electronic Systems Technologies-Electronics Management 基础教育 Elementary Education 工程技术 Engineering Technology 电气工程 Engineering Technology-Electrical Engineering 工程学(待定) Engineering 英语(教育学院) English (College of Education and Human Services) 英语(文学院) English (College of Liberal Arts) 英语创意写作 English-Creative Writing 一般英语 English-General 专业英语预科 English-Preprofessional 师范教育 English-Teacher Education (College of Liberal Arts) 运动科学 Exercise Science 时装设计及营销 Fashion Design and Merchandising 时尚造型师 Fashion Design and Merchandising-Fashion Stylist 服装设计 Fashion Design Merchandising-Fashion Design 时尚营销 Fashion Design Merchandising-Fashion Merchandising 金融 Finance 金融机构 Finance-Financial Institutions 金融管理 Finance-Financial Management 金融投资 Finance-Investments 消防管理 Fire Service Management 外语与国际贸易 Foreign Language & International Trade 汉语(外语与国际贸易) Foreign Language & International Trade-Chinese 法语(外语与国际贸易) Foreign Language & International Trade-French 德语(外语与国际贸易) Foreign Language & International Trade-German 日语(外语与国际贸易) Foreign Language & International Trade-Japanese 西班牙语(外语与国际贸易) Foreign Language & International Trade-Spanish 外国语言与文学 Foreign Languages and Literatures 林业 Forestry 森林水文 Forestry-Forest Hydrology 森林游憩与公园管理 Forestry-Forest Recreation and Park Management 森林资源管理 Forestry-Forest Resources Management 城市森林管理 Forestry-Urban Forest Management 野生动物栖息地管理和保护 Forestry-Wildlife Habitat Management and Conservation 法语(教育学院) French (College of Education and Human Services) 法语(文学院) French (College of Liberal Arts) 国际公共服务 French-International Public Service 法语师范教育 French-Teacher Education (College of Liberal Arts) 地理与环境资源 Geography & Environmental Resources 环境可持续发展 Geography & Environmental Resources-Environmental Sustainability 地理信息科学 Geography & Environmental Resources-Geographic Information Science 天气及水资源 Geography & Environmental Resources-Weather & Water Resources 气候和水资源 Geography and Environmental Resources-Climate and Water Resources 地质 Geology 环境地质 Geology-Environmental Geology 地球物理 Geology-Geophysics 地质资源 Geology-Resource Geology 德国研究(文学院) German Studies (College of Liberal Arts) 德国研究(教育学院) German Studies(College of Education and Human Services) 国际公共服务(德国研究) German Studies-International Public Service 德语师范教育 German Studies-Teacher Education (College of Liberal Arts) 卫生事业管理 Health Care Management 健康教育 Health Education 历史(教育学院) History (College of Education and Human Services) 历史(文学院) History (College of Liberal Arts) 园艺 Horticulture 园林园艺 Horticulture-Landscape Horticulture 园艺生产 Horticulture-Production Horticulture 草坪管理 Horticulture-Turfgrass Management 酒店与旅游管理 Hospitality & Tourism Administration 人类营养学及营养学 Human Nutrition & Dietetics 工业技术 Industrial Technology 信息系统技术 Information Systems Technologies 室内设计 Interior Design 国际问题研究 International Studies 非洲和中东研究 International Studies-Africa and the Middle East 亚洲和南太平洋研究 International Studies-Asia and the South Pacific 欧洲研究 International Studies-Europe 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区研究 International Studies-Latin America and the Caribbean 新闻 Journalism 广告 Journalism-Advertising 广告与整合营销传播 Journalism-Advertising/Integrated Marketing Communications 新媒体新闻产品 Journalism-New Media News Production 新闻社论 Journalism-News-Editorial 新闻摄影 Journalism-Photojournalism 法学预科 Law-Pre 文科(待定) Liberal Arts 语言学 Linguistics 英语语言学 Linguistics-English as a New Language 管理 Management 企业管理 Management-Entrepreneurship 全球电子商务管理 Management-Global E-Business 管理学 Management-Management 医疗保健管理 Management-Management of Health Care Enterprises 人事管理 Management-Personnel Management 供应链管理 Management-Supply Chain Management 市场营销 Marketing 大众传播与媒体艺术 Mass Communication and Media Arts 数学(教育学院) Mathematics (College of Education and Human Services) 数学(文学院) Mathematics (College of Liberal Arts) 数学(理学院) Mathematics (College of Science) 机械工程 Mechanical Engineering 医学教育 Medical Education Preparation 医药预科 Medicine-Pre 微生物学 Microbiology 采矿工程 Mining Engineering 地质工程 Mining Engineering-Geological Engineering 分子、细胞生物学 Molecular 太平间科学与殡仪服务 Mortuary Science & Funeral Service 音乐 Music 音乐(教育学院) Music (College of Education) 商业音乐 Music-Music Business 音乐教育 Music-Music Education 作曲 Music-Music Theory-Composition 开放音乐教育 Music-Open Studies 吉他表演 Music-Performance-Guitar 乐器表演 Music-Performance-Instrumental 键盘表演 Music-Performance-Keyboard 声乐 Music-Performance-Voice 钢琴表演 Music-Piano Pedagogy 爵士乐表演 Music-Studio Jazz Performance 音乐剧 Musical Theater 护理预科 Nursing-Pre 职业治疗预科 Occupational Therapy-Pre 验光预科 Optometry-Pre 律师助理研究 Paralegal Studies 律师助理研究(法学预科) Paralegal Studies-Pre-Law 药剂学预科 Pharmacy-Pre 哲学 Philosophy 哲学(法学预科) Philosophy-Pre Law 摄影 Photography (Cinema & Photography) 体育(师范教育) Physical Education Teacher Education 物理治疗师助理 Physical Therapist Assistant 物理治疗预科 Physical Therapy-Pre 医师助理预科 Physician Assistant-Pre 物理 Physics 生物物理 Physics-Biomedical Physics 计算物理 Physics-Computational Physics 材料和纳米物理 Physics-Materials and Nanophysics 生理学 Physiology 植物生物学 Plant Biology 植物生物学、分子生物学和生物化学生理学 Plant Biology-Molecular and Biochemical Physiology 植物生物学、系统学与生物多样性 Plant Biology-Systematics and Biodiversity 足病预科 Podiatry-Pre 政治学 Political Science 国际关系 Political Science-International Affairs 政治学(法学预科) Political Science-Pre-Law 公共服务 Political Science-Public Service 政治学预科 Pre-Major (Undecided) 心理学 Psychology 广播、电视和数字媒体 Radio,Television and Digital Media 数字媒体艺术与动画 Radio, Televisionand Digital Media - Digital Media Arts and Animation 电子新闻 Radio, Televisionand Digital Media - Electronic Journalism 媒体产业 Radio, Television and Digital Media - Media Industries 收音机、音响与视频制作 Radio,Televisionand Digital Media - Production-Radio/Audio 放射学 Radiologic Sciences 诊断医学超声 Radiologic Sciences-Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound 磁共振成像 Radiologic Sciences-Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Computed 磁共振成像与计算机断层扫描 Radiologic Sciences-Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Computed Tomography 放射治疗技术 Radiologic Sciences-Radiation Therapy Technology 娱乐 Recreation 娱乐休闲服务管理 Recreation-Leisure Services Management 娱乐户外休闲领导与管理 Recreation-Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management 娱乐治疗 Recreation-Therapeutic Recreation 康复服务 Rehabilitation Services 社会工作 Social Work 社会学 Sociology 西班牙语(教育学院) Spanish (College of Education and Human Services) 西班牙语(文科) Spanish (Liberal Arts) 西班牙国际公共服务 Spanish-International Public Service 西班牙语师范教育 Spanish-Teacher Education (College of Liberal Arts) 特殊教育 Special Education-Special Ed/Education Educ 言语交际 Speech Communication 跨文化交际 Speech Communication-Intercultural Communication 人际沟通 Speech Communication-Interpersonal Communication 组织传播 Speech Communication-Organizational Communication 语言表达学 Speech Communication-Performance Studies 言语交际学 Speech Communication-Persuasive Communication 公共关系 Speech Communication-Public Relations 体育管理 Sport Administration 技术资源管理 Technical Resource Management 健康与安全管理 Technical Resource Management-Health and Safety Management 专业建设管理 Technical Resource Management-Professional Construction Management 戏剧 Theater 大学研究 University Studies 兽医预科(农业科学学院) Veterinary Medicine-Pre (College of Agricultural Sciences) 兽医预科学(理学院) Veterinary Medicine-Pre (College of Science) 劳动力教育与发展 Workforce Education & Development 商务、市场营销和计算机教育 Workforce Education & Development-Business, Marketing and Computer Education 职业技术教育 Workforce Education & Development-Career and Technical Education 教育培训及发展 Workforce Education & Development-Education, Training and Development 家庭和消费科学 Workforce Education & Development-Family and Consumer Sciences 卫生事业 Workforce Education & Development-Health Careers 科技教育 Workforce Education & Development-Technology Education 动物学 Zoology 动物生物学 Zoology-Animal Biology 环境生物学 Zoology-Environmental Biology 渔业生物学 Zoology-Fisheries Biology 兽医预科 Zoology-Pre-Veterinary Medicine 生态与野生动物生物学 Zoology-Wildlife Biology


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