
2017-07-13 作者: 287阅读


Research Associate

University of Shfield - Centre for Vocational Education Research

The Department of Economics comprises around 33 full-time academic staff, 12 support staff, and a strong cohort of post-doctoral Research Associates and PhD students, all housed in a newly rurbished departmental building close to the centre of Shfield. We are seeking a Research Associate to work within the newly established Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER), funded by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. The Centre brings together four partners, all with significant and acknowledged expertise in vocational education: the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics, the University of Shfield, the Institute for Employment Studies, and London Economics. The Centre aims to become a world-class research hub with the potential to generate a step-change in our understanding of the nature, significance and potential contribution of vocational education to individuals and the wider economy.

You will join the CVER research team at the University of Shfield, led by Dr Steve McIntosh and Professor Andy Dickerson. The research will combine education economics and applied econometrics to make use of large scale administrative data from learners, education and training providers, and businesses. You will generate research outputs of practical relevance to policy makers and stakeholders in the vocational education sector, as well as for academic publication, and help to disseminate the findings.

You should have a PhD in economics, statistics or a closely related discipline or alternatively you should be able to demonstrate experience of carrying out high quality academic research in your current employment. You must have extensive experience of data analysis, specifically microeconometric methods, prerably using STATA. While some familiarity of the academic literature and policy in the area of UK vocational education is strongly desirable, this is not essential for the post.

This is a 3-year fixed-term position.


谢菲尔德大学校史最早可追朔至1828年“谢菲尔德医学院”成立之时。1897年,谢菲尔德医学院合并了“福斯学院”及“谢菲尔德技术学院”两所学术单位组成“谢菲尔德大学学院”。1905年,经由英国皇家宪章的认可后,正式定名为谢菲尔德大学。经过一百多年的发展,谢菲尔德大学在教学与研究方面建立起卓越的声誉,是英国6所最佳研究型大学之一,是英国最受海外学生欢迎的5所大学之一,也是英国众多百年大学中,最具国际声望的名校之一。 谢菲尔德大学下设八所学院:建筑学院、艺术学院、教育学院、工程学院、法学院、纯理论科学院、社会科学院以及医学院,医学院包括牙科以及护理专业。谢菲尔德大学开设250多种学士学位课程、190多种硕士学位授课课程以及100多个系与研究中心的哲学硕士、博士课程。在英国政府高等教育拨款委员会对英国大学开展的教学与研究评估活动中,谢菲尔德大学60%的系在研究方面获得了国内、国际优异的评价,22个参加评估的系中有17个系获得了教学质量“优秀”的殊荣。1945至1996年间,共产生五位诺贝尔奖得主。


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