
2017-07-13 作者: 298阅读


Fixed-term for 36 months

The Department of Psychology at the University of York is seeking two full-time Research Trainees to join the European Marie-Curie training network NextGenVis ("Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists" – see ). The posts are for three years and if successful you will be required to study for a PhD at the University of York.

The NextGenVis Training Network has brought together leading vision scientists across the academic, health and technology sectors. You will be expected to work across sectors during your training, which means that you will spend secondments away from the University of York.

The two positions involve using state-of-the-art scientific methods to investigate the structure and function of the visual system and how it changes in disease. One of the posts has an emphasis on neurodegenerative disorders, in particular Parkinson’s disease. The other post will focus on disease of the retina and connections between the eye and brain. You will be joining a team of investigators and the University of York and will be supervised by Professors Antony Morland and Alex Wade, and Dr Heidi Baseler.

Ideally, candidates will have an MSc in vision science, neuroimaging, neuroscience, experimental psychology, biology, physiology, medicine or related area at the time of taking up the appointment. However, applicants without an MSc, but with relevant research experience in vision science and/or neuroimaging will be considered. While the post is in the Department of Psychology, those with undergraduate degrees (BSc) in other disciplines – such as Physics, Maths, Computer Science, Engineering or Medicine – are also encouraged to apply.

The salary is fixed at £26,346 a year. The vacancy is full time and the hours of work are 37 per week. The appointment will commence between 1st October 2015 to 1st February 2016 and will be for 36 months.


约克大学是位于英格兰约克郡的一所校园大学,为英国罗素大学集团成员之一。2001年《每日电讯报》大学排行榜中排名第二,其教学品质在官方评鉴中名列第一。该校同时被《星期日泰晤士报》列为2003年年度大学。 在英国《泰晤士报》2007年的世界大学排名中名列世界百大大学之列,2007年排名第74,2008年蝉联世界百大大学,排名81。


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