
2017-07-13 作者: 399阅读

Assistant Professor in Astronomy

The Department of Physics at the University of Connecticut invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position in astronomy at the rank of Assistant Professor. We are particularly interested in the field of observational cosmology, though researchers in all subfields of experimental astronomy are encouraged to apply, especially those applicants whose research programs take advantage of new resources and facilities such as LSST, JWST, Gemini, and ALMA.

The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to research and scholarship, obtain extramural funding, and produce high quality publications. S/he should be deeply committed to fective instruction at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including the development of innovative courses and mentoring of students in research, outreach and professional development. The successful candidate will also be expected to broaden participation among members of under-represented groups.

Minimum Qualifications: Applicants should possess a Ph.D. or foreign equivalent in Physics, Astronomy, or a related field, a demonstrated ability to initiate and lead an independent research program, and an established record of publications in major scientific journals. Prerred Qualifications: a leadership role in active, on-going research in observational astronomy, at least two years post-doctoral experience, strong teaching skills, and the ability to contribute through research, teaching, and/or public engagement to the diversity and excellence of the learning experience.

This is a full-time, 9-month, tenure track position with an anticipated start date of August 23, 2016.


康涅狄格大学创建于 1881年,位于康涅狄格州的斯多斯农学院,1939年正式改名为康涅狄格大学,在Avery Point、Greater Hartford、Stamford、Torrington、Waterbury等地还设有8个分校区。

现在,康涅狄格大学的主校区仍位于斯托斯(Storrs),占地4104英亩。大学下设13个学院,分别是:农业与自然资源学院、商学院、牙科学院、教育学院、工程学院、美术学院、法学院、人文与科学学院、医学院、护理学院、药学院、农学院、社会工作学院。其中有10个学院位于主校区,法律和社会工作 学院位于州首府哈特福德(Hartford),医学院与牙科学院位于法明顿(Farmington),还有5个分校园遍及州内多个城市。大学共设有101个本科专业和80个研究方向。


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