
2017-07-13 作者: 456阅读

Assistant Professor
The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Princeton University seeks outstanding applicants for a tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Professor level, fective as early as September 1, 2016. The search is open to candidates specializing in any area of chemical engineering, including but not limited to: systems engineering; thermodynamics and statistical mechanics; fluid mechanics and transport phenomena; reaction engineering; and materials.
The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering or a related field, demonstrated excellence in academic research, and a strong commitment to teaching and advising undergraduate and graduate students. We seek faculty members who will create a climate that embraces excellence and diversity, with a strong commitment to teaching and mentoring that will enhance the work of the department and attract and retain a diverse student body. Candidates must complete an online faculty application athttps://jobs.princeton.edu; a curriculum vitae, detailed descriptions of teaching and research interests, reprints of selected publications, and the names and addresses of at least three rerences should be attached as .pdf documents to the on-line application. This position is subject to Princeton University’s background check policy. Candidates are encouraged to apply by October 30, 2015.
普林斯顿大学(Princeton University) 创建于 1746 年,是美国一所著名的私立研究型大学,八所常春藤盟校之一。 学校占地 600 英亩,坐落普林斯顿的一个居民区内,位于纽约市西南 50 英里。 主校园的建筑为格鲁雷亚式和哥特式风格,另外还有 I.M.裴和罗伯特文丘里设计的现代建筑。普林斯顿大学的校训为"让她以上帝的名义繁荣"(Under God's power she flourishes)。
普林斯顿提供两个主要的本科课程:文学学士(A.B.)与科学和工程学士(B.S.E.)。前者被授予主修人文科学、社会科学和自然科学的学生;后者则授予主修工程技术专业的学生。普林斯顿提供研究生的学位(特别是博士学 位),在很多学科都是最优秀的专业;包括数学、物理、经济学、历史,和哲学。但是,不像其他大学,普林斯 顿并没有广泛的研究生研究学院-- 比如,普林斯顿没有法学院或者商学院。普林斯顿最有名的专业学院是伍德罗威尔逊公共和国际关系学院(Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs),创建于1930年,原名为公共和国际关系学院,1948年改为现名。普林斯顿也提供工程和建筑学的研究生课程。林斯顿大学分为本科部和研究生部,共有4个学院:新泽西学院、工程和应用科学院、建筑和城市设计学院、威尔逊公共和国际关系学院。


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