
2017-07-13 作者: 359阅读

Assistant Professor in Plant Sciences – Woody Plant Geneticist/Breeder
Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis
Title: Assistant Professor in Plant Sciences – Woody Plant Geneticist/Breeder. The Department of Plant Sciences in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of California, Davis is recruiting an Assistant Professor Plant Sciences – Woody Plant Geneticist/Breeder with a prerred emphasis in genetics, genomics, germplasm improvement and breeding of California nut crops (walnut, pistachio, other). This is an academic year (9-month), Assistant Professor tenure-track position with teaching, research, outreach/engagement and service responsibilities and includes the expectation that the appointee will conduct mission-oriented research and outreach/engagement of relevance to the California Agricultural Experiment Station.
Research will on focus genetics, genomics, germplasm improvement and breeding of California nut crops (walnut, pistachio, other) This can include the use of genomic methods and strategies to link advances in genotyping, phenotyping and population and quantitative genetics theory to crop improvement. Expertise in genomic selection theory and application is desirable. The faculty member would be expected to lead a long-standing and industry supported breeding program in walnut and possibly other nut crops. The incumbent will lead an active germplasm improvement and varietal breeding program for both scion and rootstock. Research strategies could include genome sequencing, genetic association and mapping studies, identification of important genes/traits, population genetics and marker-assisted selection strategies for maintaining genetic variation and its ficient utilization, and genetic/physiological mechanisms underlying these traits. The position will require participation in multi-disciplinary teams, consistent with the Plant Sciences department’s emphasis on discovery and application of fundamental science ranging from the molecular level to field applications. Interactions and collaborations with colleagues at UC Davis, Cooperative Extension (CE), other academic or research institutions, and agricultural industry stakeholders are expected. The candidate will be expected to establish a vigorous, dynamic and innovative teaching program and contribute to teaching of core courses in the undergraduate plant sciences curriculum in the areas of plant genetics and breeding. The candidate will also teach at the graduate level within her/his area of research expertise in the horticulture and agronomy, genetics, plant biology or other relevant graduate groups. Enthusiastic and fective advising and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows is expected. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in departmental, college, and campus committees and programs and work with state, regional and national organizations as appropriate to address the mission of the department, college and Agricultural Experiment Station (AES).
Ph.D. or equivalent degree in breeding, genetics, genomics or related area, with prerred experience in the area of genetics and breeding.


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