2017-07-13 247阅读
Faculty of Science Computer Science
Wednesday 28 October at 12 noon (BST)
Here is a link to the featured listing on FindaMasters, which then has a link through to the webinar sign-up form.
The subject of this webinar will be the Masters programmes in Computer Science and Dr Marina De Vos, who will be leading the webinar, will be able to answer questions from attendees.
Faculty of Engineering and Design (TBC)
Thursday 10 December 09.00 10.30 (GMT)
A general open event on all post-graduate programmes in the Faculty with an introductory presentation by Dr Sally Cliftfollowed by a Q A with Sally and current post-graduate students. Exact details to follow.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
MA Translation with Business Interpreting (Chinese): Wednesday 18th November 13:00-14:00 (GMT)
PhD Funding: Thursday 10 December 2015 13:00-14:00 (GMT)
Coming in 2016 (More details to follow)
Faculty of Engineering and Design
Jan 16 Webinar to showcase launch of Sustainable Chemical Engineering MSc led by Dr Caroline MacFarlane
Jan 16 Webinar to showcase Modern Building Designdelivered by Dr Ricardo Codinhoto with involvement from current students for Q A
Feb 16 Webinar to showcase portfolio of MScs in Mechanical Engineering led by Dr Steve Cayzer with support from current students for Q A
Feb 16-Webinar to showcase portfolio of MScs in Electronic and Electrical Engineering led by Dr Peter Wilson with support from students for Q A
March 16 Conversion webinar/online version of PGT open day to include intro presentation by Dr Sally Clift, student panel Q A with links to campus tours, Faculty lab facilities
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Economics: Thursday 7th January, 12:00-13:00(GMT)
MA International Education and Globalisation: Wednesday 10th February, 12:00-13:00 (GMT)
School of Management
Currently no webinars are planned by the School of Management but we will keep you informed.
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