2017-07-10 186阅读
MSc Management at UCL - Programme information
If you are in Route A (for student with no previous business/management education), you will have the opportunity to take seven core modules: Business Strategy, Accounting and Financial Management (two modules in one), Organisational Behaviour, Business Economics, Decision and Risk Analysis, and Markets and Customers. Moreover, you will be able to take one of the following optional modules: Global CSR, Leadership Communication, and Business Sustainability.
If you are in Route B (for students with previous business/management education), you will have the opportunity to take four core modules: Corporate Strategy, Corporate Finance, Decision and Risk Analysis, and Markets and Customers.
Moreover, you will be able to choose one pathway (either leadership, finance, or technology) and take three additional modules within the pathway. For leadership: Creativity and Critical Thinking, Leadership and Communication, and Influence and Negotiation. For finance: Investment Management, Mergers and IPOs, and International Capital Markets. For technology: Innovation Practices, Managing High-tech Organisations, and Project Management. Finally, you will be able to take one of the following optional modules:Global CSR, Organisational Behaviour, and International Financial Reporting.
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