
2017-07-10 作者: 37阅读


雅思范文part2范文:A difficult time you went through

One of the most important times in my life, as it is in almost everyone’s life, was when I was sixteen.

I was in high school in Beijing. I was a kind of a shy teenager and only had one friend. We were very close and did everything together. We would often go to each other’s house for sleep overs, and would stay up late at night chatting about everything two children could ever chat about. We were best of friends until one day when we had a terrible misunderstanding. She thought I had told someone a secret that she had told me, and she decided not to be my friend anymore. She made a new best friend and would strut around with her trying to make me jealous. She would gossip with all the other kids about me. I suddenly became an outcast at school, and thus, became utterly lonely and depressed. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me.

It was not until I talked with my cousin about my situation, that I realized it was not me that had a problem but her. I also began to understand that you can not take what others say and do so close to heart, or you will always feel bad about yourself, and will never be able to live your life. I also realized that bad things happen in life, and you can not hide from them; or dig yourself into a hole. I eventually found a new best friend, whom I am still friends with today. I have a more open personality, and I am one of the top students in my college. I believe that situation made me a stronger person. I can handle rejection now wherever it comes from, and just keep rolling with a smile on my face.


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