
2017-07-10 作者: 249阅读


Describe your apartment or house

Ok, I've been asked to describe my apartment, but I think the apartment I live in is quite typical. It is located in the south of Hei and it's in a very clean and convenient neighbourhood. I've lived there for about three years. We used to live in a brick house, but my father's business began to do very well so we could afford a better place.

The rooms? Well, as for the rooms... there are 3 rooms. One is for my father and mother and another is for me. The other room is given to our maid. The apartment is about a hundred square meters, and it has a large living room and two bathrooms-one is in my parents' room. We have some comfortable chairs and a fairly large TV in the centre. We also have a stereo set and a karaoke set as well. I should mention that the kitchen is quite large compared to many other families because we extended it by knocking out the wall of another room.

Now you know about the rooms. Let me tell you how I feel about the place. To tell you the truth, I don't like it very much. I mean, even though it's much larger and cleaner than the previous place, sometimes I just don't feel it's my real home. I think I got too attached to my previotE home. Also, in the brick home we knew all our neighbours but here we know nobody. I think it's just as important to have friendly neighbours.


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