
2017-07-10 作者: 182阅读


Describe a museum, library in your hometown

Ok, I'll start by telling you about the Museum of the Japanese Germ Warfare Experimental Base. It's outside of Harbin, and it's a bit tough to get there. The base was the centre of the worst experiments in biological warfare. The Japanese set up a top secret, germ warfare research centre. The doctors there were very cruel and used many victims. I have been to this museum about four times, and each time I go it gives me a very eerie feeling.

It is a small museum and it takes you through two exhibit rooms. The displays are very graphic. There are lights and wax models of the people in the exhibits. There is also a vestige of the original base nearby. They recreate the type of things done to the victims. You can also watch a film about it in another room. The film is not exactly a happy one, so be prepared for some rather ghastly details.

I think what I gain there is a sense of how low humanity can sink if we're not carul. The museum tells us what our relatives often had to put up with and what sacrifices have been made. You know, even though such terrible things were done to us we still put up a sign in the entrance that says the friendship between Japanese and Chinese is everlasting. This shows that even though we will never forget such atrocities, we are willing to be friends and move on.


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