
2017-07-10 作者: 37阅读


Describle a shop or a market that you like to go to

I would like to talk about my favourite shopping center, since I don't go to many restaurants or bars. My favourite shopping place in Xi'an is called Huajie Street. It is just a narrow alley running besides the Great Mosque with many small souvenir and antique shops.

It's a very good place just to do some browsing, and is one of the best places in China to pick up souvenirs like name chops or chiming steel balls. I always go there to do some shopping for old things and antiques. Usually if I go it will be on a weekday, because it's not as crowded and you can bargain more easily. Another reason I like it is because you can fmd some of the best miniature wire furniture. I don't know if you've ever seen these things, but they are made quite carully and skilfully, and they look very nice in a living room.

Why is it my favourite? To me there's nothing like it in other places. Some of the stuff is quite overpriced because they get a lot of tourists coming in, but a local person like me, with a distinguishable accent from this area, can usually cut to the chase and get to the realistic price in a hurry. It never seems to amaze me what kinds of old things they find to sell there. You almost feel as if you are walking around a museum. I know a lot of it might be fake, but to me it doesn't matter, because when you look at it, you think of the past. I have bought some stuff there bore, and when I put it in my house it always becomes a conversation piece with my guests. They always tell me I could get these things cheaper elsewhere, but the truth is that you may not find it at other places, except perhaps by chance.


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