
2017-07-10 作者: 417阅读


Describe an object that you use for cooking

All right... so it was a bit tough for me to choose something to talk about because I don't do much cooking, but I've chose a microwave. These days you can buy a microwave at any appliance store, and there lots of different ones to choose from these days. I'm not sure how often I use it, but I think I can safely say that I use it every day.

I depend on my microwave quite a bit because, as I said bore, I don't do much of the cooking in my house. So what my parents often do is cook a lot of food for me, freeze it, and then I just heat it up. I use it for quite a few other things, too. I mean, often I will make tea and then just become busy with something and forget all about it. If I didn't have a microwave, the tea would be wasted, so I find it very usul to have it around. One other very important reason is that I can just buy a lot of things from outside and then just heat it up when I get home.

I think that I've chosen it as being most important because I think it's the one object that really does affect my life on a daily basis. I mean, if I had to actually spend the time to cook things, my life would get very complicated. My parents think that the microwave makes me lazy, and maybe they're right.


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