
2017-07-10 作者: 255阅读


An usul object you had as a child

I think the object that I had that was very usul was my toy bear. I had this toy bear for about five years. I first got it on my 4th birthday, and kept it all the way until I was about nine years old.

When I was a child, I used to take this bear everywhere because I actually didn't have that many toys to play with, and so you could say that it was my playmate. I also used to treat it as if it were my baby brother. If I felt very sad I often needed it to be near me, and it was also something I could imagine to be alive and doing things. My mother would sometimes let me take it to different places, and believe it or not I would even wash it. Even later, as my father and mother began to get richer and could afford a lot more toys, I would still favour this toy over others. I just had more of a connection to this toy.

I guess I would say that it was more usul to me as it was something that helped me through my childhood and added to my social life. You may say that a toy is not really usul, but for me it stopped me from being lonely, and allowed me to feel empathy for something, even though it wasn't really alive. When I turned nine I was too big and thought that having a toy bear was just for small kids, so I just stopped playing with it and put it away. Then I guess for some reason it got thrown away. Now I wish I had kept it because I could give it to my own children when they get older.


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