
2017-07-10 作者: 166阅读


Describe what you usually do

Ok, I'd like to tell you about what I usually do on the weekends, and so I'll

give you a few details. Actually, I often just stay at home. I don't go out very much because I have to take care of the home and he}p my father and mother do things around the house. I have to do this by myself since my father and mother are business people and the weekends are the busiest times for them. So I often have to take care of the cleaning and cooking. So you can say that Saturday and Sunday are really my working days of the week. Most of what I do is just give the house a good clean and wash the areas that need it most like the windows. I also do a bit of cooking, and then store some of the meals in the freezer so that my parents can just heat them up in the microwave when they want to.

I guess I do this simply because it's my duty. I mean my parents pay for my education and support me, and if they didn't have to go through all the trouble and expense, they'd probably get a house cleaner. So I hope to save them the expense of a housekeeper. I know they do appreciate what I do, and I feel that I am a usul person as well. If I ever have kids, I think I will let them to do the same thing because I think it helps me to be more responsible.


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