雅思口语:To be canned被解雇

2017-07-10 作者: 197阅读

本文讲解雅思口语To be canned被解雇。学习雅思口语,扎实的基础理论知识、正确的学习方法和勤奋的练习都不能少。


M: Man, it was crazy at work today!

L: 真的?你们办公室今天发生什么事啦?

M: My friend George was late again, so the boss canned him!

L: 你的朋友George今天上班迟到,你们老板对他怎么了?对他大喊大叫吗?

M: No, it's much worse than that. The boss canned him. In other words, the boss fired him!

L: 什么?你是说George被解雇了。所以To be canned就是被解雇的意思啊?

M: Yeah, here, "canned" is the past form of "to can," which means "to put something in a can," or slang for "to throw something in the trash can".

L: 噢,这里canned就是把什么东西扔到垃圾桶。可这跟解雇人有什么关系呢?

M: Hehheh, when your boss "cans" you, he's getting rid of you. It is like he is throwing you in the trash can.

L: 原来这是一种比喻啊。不过这种说法听起来挺吓人的。Michael, 你觉得George应该被解雇 吗?

M: To tell the truth, George was not a very good employee. If I were the boss, I would have canned him too.

L: 哎呀,Michael,你这么说你的朋友未免太过份了吧!George又没做坏事,为什么要解雇他 啊?

M: Well, George was often very late to work. This month, he came in late a least four times. The boss warned George many times bore he finally canned him.

L: 看来你一点也不同情George。要是我的朋友碰上这种倒霉事,我至少也会替他难过啊。

M: Hmph. When George was late, it caused me and the other employees a lot of trouble. No one is really sad that he was canned.

L: 也许你说得没错。如果每个人都象George这样老迟到,那会给其他人造成多大的麻烦啊。

M: Well, you are right and wrong. Because George was canned, we all have a lot more work to do right now.

L: 对,希望你们公司会赶快雇一个人来接替George的工作。

M: I'm sure they will.

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