
2017-07-10 作者: 208阅读


Talk about a naughty things

When I was 9 years old, it was the first summer holiday that I had as a student, my parents sent me to the countryside to live with my grandpa, coz they were too busy to take care of me in the daytime. Not like many other grandpas who may spoil their grandchildren, my grandpa was quite demanding on me. You know, I was only 9 years old, but during that summer holiday, he often asked me to go to the farmland with him to do the farming, even in the hot sunshine. And so I tried my best to avoid doing the labor. One day, together with my grandpa, we planted corns in the filed. My grandpa was ahead, digging holes for me to cast the corn seeds inside. And he worked so hard that he dug the holes faster than I could sow the seeds. In order to work less and try to finish the work quickly, I sowed much more seeds than were needed for one hole, and soon we ran out of corn seeds. Although there were still a lot of holes vacant, we had to finish the job and went back home. Yeah, not enough seeds. And I felt happy because my grandpa didn’t find out my trick. Several weeks later, the corn plants sprouted. In some places, there were only a few, but in others, there were a lot. And I was not aware that my trick would be discovered later when they grew out. Luckily, it happened that year we met a drought, and those sprouts did not grew well, even some of them died. My grandpa then divided some of the sprouts from those spare ones and planted them into those vacant holes. You know, my grandpa did not blame me for my trick, but praised about my “contribution”. He said: thank you boy, it is you that we could grow those corns so well in the field”.

Well, my naughty behavior turned out to be a contribution. It was the only time that I got praise for my naughty behavior. Even now when I think about it, it’s still a funny memory.


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