2017-07-10 193阅读
In many major cities of the world, you will find large public buildings, both new and old.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings. How important is it for a country to construct impressive public buildings when houses are want is really required?
Model Answer:
A public building is a building that belongs in some way o the state. The number of public buildings in any town or village will depend on the size of that community and its needs. For example, you will usually find a town hall of some sort, a school and a place of worship at he least. In anger communities there will be a police station, law courts, a library and maybe a theatre funded by he state.
The desire to build impressive buildings is not new. The ancient cities of the Middle East and South America were designed with large public buildings to impress visitors and enemies and give a sense of pride. In modern times, outstanding public buildings still. create a great sense of local and national pride. They are what gives a city its character and they form asocial centre, a place where people like to meet.
However, some people argue that governments have constructed unnecessary, and sometimes ugly, buildings simply to make themselves feel important. I tend to feel that such buildings may be a waste of public money but I am not sure we can claim that they prevent houses from being built, because these governments have often ensured that adequate housing was also available. Houses and public buildings can exist side by side.
The answer lies in finding ape right balance. We want o feel pride in our town, but we also want our citizens to have comfortable homes. It is hard to please everyone.
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