
2017-07-10 作者: 27阅读


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children.

Model Answer:

Parents are in most cases our first teachers and friends. From my everyday experience I have to agree with the statement that important decisions should be made by our parents or adult relatives. In the following paragraphs I will give my reasons to support this statement.

First of all, teenage children have the tendency to live in their own fantasies. They do not clearly understand the rules of a real life. When I was 18 years old I thought that the world was perfect and everything seemed to be simple. Teenagers are basically inexperienced; they aspire for independence and try to make their first steps towards freedom. I think that it is like starting to walk when a baby needs its parents for support. An independent life is a big and significant part in a person's life. So, my point is that it is very important to make this step right.

Second of all, I think that parents have right to interfere in their children's lives. They need to know what kind of friends their children have and how children spend their spare time. For example I had an eighteen years old friend who got really angry with his parents when they prohibited him to be friends with a young man. Somehow his parents found out that that young man was occasionally taking drugs. That man was dead in a year because of drug abuse. After that accident my friend thanked his parents for that interference.

Finally, I think teenage children should be more open-minded with their parents. It will help them to make the right choice and avoid many mistakes.

To sum up, I believe that young people should trust their parents because they wish their children only the best.


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