
2017-07-10 作者: 48阅读


1. Do you mind noises?

Yes, traffic noise has a huge influence on me and this may lead to permanent hearing loss. Actually, I’m quite sensitive to this kind of sound. You know, even the sound of a car alarm in the next street can wake me up at midnight.


2. What are some of the advantages of quiet places?

Well, silent places can keep me away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the fast-pace of life. You know, sitting in the quiet place, doing meditation or reading some books can bring inner peace to my life and purify my soul.


3. What natural sounds do you like the most?

Well, I like listening bird singing, especially in the morning. Though birds are using their voice to impress mates and proclaim territories, the lovely sound can still comfort my mind and keep me in good mood all day.


4. What sounds do you dislike?

Well, I hate the noise that caused by transport, industrial and recreational activities in the city. This kind of noise almost drives me crazy and it may lead to an increase in stress. What’s more, it can increase the risk of deaf.


5. What sounds remind you of your childhood?

Well, I guess, it must be a lullaby called “soft kitten”. The song actually has a regular rhythm, which is very repetitive. It’s the song my mom used to sing to me all the time bore bed. So, every time I hear this song, it rreshes my childhood memory.

一定是那首儿歌,叫”Soft Kitten”. 这首歌有很规律的节奏,重复性很强。这是我小时候每次睡前妈妈都唱给我的歌。所以,每次我听到这首歌,它都能勾起我的儿时回忆。


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