
2017-07-10 作者: 411阅读


1.Do you think you are a polite person?

Very much depends on the situation. I am by nature a very friendly and polite person but I’m also not at all a pushover.


2. Who taught you to be polite?

My mom. She told me to be polite when I was young. I'm sure that sometimes, I'm rude or outspoken, but I try to have a good manner. As an idealist, I know that everyone is different, and there are many reasons why people behave the way they do.


3. Do you think people should be polite?

(Why?) Having polite manners is a huge part of the society because a lot of people do not have good manners and it could ruin a relationship. If you practice good manners, you'll notice that people respond much better to you. They'll listen to what you say and won't feel put off by your bad manners.

礼貌是社会构成的重要部分,因为很多人都不懂礼貌,它会破坏关系。 如果你锻炼良好的习惯,你会发现周围的人对你也更好。他们会听你说话,不会因为你的不礼貌而退却。

4. How do people in your culture show good manners towards others?

Say please and thank you whenever you can. People are more likely to respond to a request if they hear please at the end of it. Use the right tone of voice. No one appreciates an abrasive speaking of voice when in conversation.


5. Have there been any changes in politeness in the past few decades?

Nowadays people especially youngsters, most of them tend to behave less polite. In fact, you can see all these impatient and inconsiderate sight almost everywhere in the world. It is really a pity to see all these unwanted sight in public.



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