
2017-07-07 作者: 326阅读

Assistant/Associate Professor in Cancer Molecular Genetics

The Department of Biochemistry at Purdue in conjunction with the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research (PUCCR) and the Walther Cancer Foundation invites applications for a tenure track faculty position in computational and experimental cancer genetics and genomics at the Associate or Assistant Professor level. This is an academic year appointment and we are particularly interested in candidates addressing questions in cancer biology including but not limited to cancer initiation, progression, metastasis, therapeutics and/or biomarker development. Successful candidates are expected to develop an internationally-recognized research program, teach in graduate and/or undergraduate courses, interact with diverse faculty, staff and students across campus, and function as an active member of the department and university faculty.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in cell biology, biochemistry, computational biology or a related field and at least two years of post-doctoral experience. Successful candidates at the Assistant Professor level should have a strong publication record, the potential to develop a vigorous, extramurally-funded research program, and a commitment to research and teaching excellence. In addition to these criteria, candidates for the Associate Professor level should currently have extramural funds with research programs of distinction.


普渡大学西拉法叶分校(Purdue University ,West Lafayette)常被称作“普渡大学”,也译作“普度大学”,是普渡大学系统三所分校的主校区。位于美国印第安纳州的西拉法叶,是一所著名的公立研究型大学,素以工学、农学和航天著称于世。该校也是美国五大湖地区的体育赛事联盟十大联盟(Big Ten)的一员,也是美国大学协会的会员。世界登月第一人阿姆斯特朗便是该校1947级的校友。在美国航天局(NASA)的任务中中,超过1/3的登月任务至少有一位普渡校友参与。


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