
2017-07-06 作者: 371阅读

哈佛大学校长谈哈佛的招生标准- 哈佛大学校长德鲁 福斯特说,在哈佛大学的外国生源中,中国学生占了相当大的比例。在视频中,她谈论了哈佛在招生时注重学生的哪些方面。下面是华尔街日报采访哈佛校长的对话
1. 问:去年哈佛招收了多少亚洲学生?他们来自哪个国家地区?人数是在增长吗?
2. 问:去年中国有多少学生在哈佛读书?
3. 问:与美国本土的人数相比有何不同?
4. 问:东西方教育模式有很多不同,西方是文理教育,开放提问式的,而东方教育是灌输式的,那哈佛在选人方面是如何消除这些的呢?毕竟,从中国到美国,这两个国家的教育模式差距是如此巨大。
5. 问:随着世界全球化,申请竞争也在增加,我的问题是相比十年前,哈佛在招生方面有哪些变化?
答:全球化让全世界更多的人开始关注哈佛。哈佛多年来一直坚持需求助学金政策(need blind),为的是每一个有资格进哈佛的学生不会因为经济状况而堵在门外。不过目前很少学生意识到,我们一直在强调哈佛的need-blind奖助学金政策,哈佛希望招生各种家境不同、经济能力不同的学生。
6. 问:很多人很好奇,分数对哈佛而言到底有多重要,换句话说,申请者至少要多少绩点才可以申请哈佛?
1.Q:How many students going to Harvard are coming from Asia? where are they coming from and are the numbers increasing?
A:The numbers are increasing and now the students from China represent the largest non-US sourse of students. so this is an area of tremendous draw for us and we want to expand the members andhave the best students think about us and come to join us.
2.Q: So last year ,for example, how many students from China came to Harvard?
A:I believed there was more than 650,a little more than 650 students
3.Q:How was the difference from USA?
A:It has grown dramatically in the last six years, I don't know how the percentage just off hand, but it is a steady increase.
4.Q:there is a lot of debate about the western and eastern style of education ,eastern being more closed, western are more liberal arts oriented ,open to questioning. when you are looking at students in China, How do you bridge that gap because they are coming into an entirely different education system?
A:We are really looking at the whole of the students. we want to make sure is they are academically excellent.we want to see measurement of that,but we are not interested exclusively in scores or grades. we want to see what the studens have done outside of the academic field.Does the student have a broad range of interests. what are their contributions and what areas the students might make to the community at Harvard. We are also interested in charactor.we are going to find who this person is and what this person stands for herself or himself. so that is something we want find evidence ,that is very important aspect the qualification for students for the mission to Harvard
5.Q:As the world becomes global, obiviously it is becoming a more competive world,so how is the applicant changing and what you looking for today vs maybe 10 years ago?
A:That is such an interesting question.I think the applicants are more global,there are more people around the world thinking about Harvard.We also have changed our financial aid policy to try to expand our support for lower income students.We are looking more broadly at where students from,economic backgrouds that may not halt them.We have had a long time need-blind admission policy,but often students were unaware of this, so we've now tried to be more emphatic about our desire for students from diverse economic backgrounds.
6.Q;How important are test scores,I guess the bottomline people are wondering,can you get into Harvard with a point O or above GPA.What types of studdents makes it into Harvard today?
A;yes,you can.We try to look at the acadamic qualifications for students in a variety of range ,Test score means something but certanly not everything.How the students has done in school tell something but again we look students'valuations from faculty members we look the widest range of their attributes might identify their academic qualifications including interviewing almost all of applicants,with a long-line or others who meet with them to assess their personal qualification.

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