2017-07-05 686阅读
入读英国雷丁大学语言课的学生务必于7月4日去报到,提醒即将入读University of Reading雷丁大学9周语言课(PSE5)的学生,务必于7月4日下周一到达雷丁大学Palmer Building处报到。
Dear PSE 5 student,
We are looking forward to meeting you on Monday 04 July to assist you with your registration at the University of Reading.
You must report to the Palmer Building (26 on the campus map) at your allocated time.
Please find attached an orientation timetable, online enrolment instructions, campus map and student handbook.
Remember, on Monday 04 July you must bring your passport with you and your visa (if the visa is not a stamp in your passport)! If you have a biometric residence permit (BRP) you MUST collect it bore you begin enrolment. You cannot begin enrolment without this permit.
We expect all students to arrive on Monday at the time stated by your email from admissions. If you know you will arrive later than Monday, please reply to this email informing us of when you plan to be here.
Bore you arrive
Bore you arrive take a look at these helpful links which tell you how to connect to the wifi, accessing emails, where to print and where to find computers on campus
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