
2017-06-29 作者: 356阅读


Name of institution

Guardian score /100

Satisfied with course (%)

Satisfied with teaching (%)

Satisfied with feedback (%)

Student:staff ratio

Spend per student (FTE)

Average entry tariff

Value-added score /10

Career after 6 mths

1 King's College London 100.0 92 96 81 10 439 8 2 Warwick 99.1 93 95 73 11.8 9 456 7 3 Southampton 97.2 97 99 79 8.3 10 392 8 26 4 Newcastle 93.9 90 91 71 16.1 10 393 7 61 5 Shfield 84.9 88 89 75 19.2 6 375 8 61 6 Queen Mary 84.8 96 96 83 17.3 8 366 5 43 7 Birmingham 80.7 72 79 62 21.8 10 425 5 58 8 Sussex 78.0 90 91 72 20.6 6 346 7 54 9 Cumbria 77.4 71 76 63 10 265 10 10 Royal Holloway 76.7 89 91 66 14.4 9 375 3 46 11 Lancaster 76.1 84 84 72 12.8 5 361 8 42 12 Birmingham City 73.4 80 87 64 19.3 8 309 5 55 13 UEA 73.1 100 90 78 18.5 4 368 7 14 Nottingham Trent 72.9 82 85 73 15.4 6 308 4 57 15 Loughborough 70.9 70 79 74 15.6 6 383 5 15 Stirling 70.9 89 93 71 24.9 3 338 10 41 17 UWE Bristol 70.5 90 92 70 18.6 8 275 7 40 18 Hull 70.4 82 89 71 17.9 3 292 9 18 Keele 70.4 88 81 72 12.4 4 285 8 20 Westminster 70.2 68 73 64 17.0 7 301 10 45 21 Aberystwyth 70.1 96 91 83 23.5 7 251 6 22 Cardiff 70.0 80 88 54 20.7 6 386 6 51 22 City 70.0 87 85 62 16.9 7 367 4 24 Sunderland 68.7 83 86 74 15.9 5 246 5 52 25 Robert Gordon 67.6 86 87 64 25.1 4 263 10 55 26 Bournemouth 66.1 74 82 60 25.7 9 332 5 49 27 Lincoln 65.7 71 74 59 15.6 5 307 8 49 28 Queen's, Belfast 65.0 69 82 44 15.6 7 341 8 34 29 Central Lancashire 64.6 92 85 65 28.0 5 305 5 55 30 Leeds 64.0 61 72 54 20.7 7 384 6 50 31 Northumbria 63.7 67 73 68 15.2 291 9 33 32 Oxford Brookes 63.6 67 79 62 4 330 8 33 Bedfordshire 63.4 75 81 70 16.2 6 189 7 47 34 University of the Arts, London 62.4 55 72 50 21.8 10 289 7 50 35 Goldsmiths 62.1 76 88 48 24.8 5 354 7 48 36 Gloucestershire 61.9 64 80 65 22.2 5 260 9 43 37 UC Falmouth 61.2 58 75 69 23.1 6 277 53 38 Hertfordshire 60.6 79 85 62 16.5 3 264 7 39 Edinburgh Napier 60.2 70 68 46 22.5 4 334 7 61 40 Arts UC, Bournemouth 59.9 73 76 60 23.2 5 333 3 50 41 Lester 59.3 67 75 52 23.6 7 360 4 42 Ulster 59.2 84 80 65 21.2 4 264 7 38 43 Leeds Met 58.4 80 81 58 18.8 5 272 5 47 44 Liverpool John Moores 57.6 81 81 61 16.7 6 277 5 30 45 Middlesex 57.3 74 78 67 18.4 6 221 5 41 46 Kingston 56.8 82 83 63 19.5 2 241 9 36 47 De Montfort 56.7 82 82 62 18.3 4 264 5 35 48 London South Bank 56.1 73 75 57 7.8 7 194 6 31 49 Anglia Ruskin 55.3 71 82 72 20.8 9 244 3 25 50 Staffordshire 55.0 75 78 57 21.5 3 256 5 54 51 Coventry 54.9 62 72 58 21.5 4 276 9 39 51 St Mary's UC, Twickenham 54.9 69 86 68 20.0 4 230 7 29 53 Bradford 54.6 72 74 61 21.7 7 232 7 54 Surrey 54.4 60 76 44 14.1 4 349 4 55 Southampton Solent 53.7 78 79 64 21.7 4 274 4 38 56 Chichester 53.3 86 88 72 23.6 3 255 7 22 57 Chester 52.9 66 71 62 14.5 5 246 3 48 58 Bangor 52.0 79 82 71 29.1 3 284 3 46 59 Greenwich 50.6 74 79 65 33.2 6 217 9 30 60 University of West London 50.4 43 59 57 15.4 10 208 3 37 61 Manchester Met 50.3 74 82 69 22.9 4 241 4 36 62 Teesside 49.8 84 87 71 26.0 5 250 2 63 Portsmouth 49.2 81 86 65 24.1 4 285 2 30 64 Roehampton 49.0 64 72 56 14.3 5 279 5 24 65 Queen Margaret 48.4 2 301 3 40 66 Northampton 48.3 77 77 61 27.0 8 223 7 18 67 Glynd?r 48.0 70 88 88 34.3 3 174 68 Huddersfield 47.8 62 70 68 24.2 5 240 4 38 69 Trinity Saint David 47.5 96 92 82 32.3 2 213 2 70 Bath Spa 47.4 78 87 73 30.6 3 280 6 24 71 Bucks New University 46.8 76 76 68 22.6 8 198 1 72 East London 45.3 80 78 68 21.0 6 194 4 20 73 Glamorgan 45.2 48 66 54 15.9 4 313 3 27 74 London Met 44.5 76 74 52 18.5 3 230 5 33 75 Shfield Hallam 44.4 50 62 50 21.8 6 278 6 30 76 Leeds Trinity University College 44.0 76 84 69 21.9 2 237 1 47 77 Canterbury Christ Church 43.4 61 78 62 23.3 2 230 5 37 78 Salford 42.3 60 71 50 30.8 4 306 4 34 79 Winchester 42.2 56 73 54 20.8 2 272 4 41 80 Marjon (St Mark and St John) 39.7 85 78 72 36.4 1 209 4 45 81 Brunel 37.9 69 72 51 30.2 3 297 2 39 82 Derby 37.8 80 75 64 25.4 6 241 2 16 83 Edge Hill 37.6 62 68 62 17.3 3 239 1 34 84 Worcester 37.5 67 76 64 44.7 2 264 7 35 85 University for the Creative Arts 35.8 66 70 58 50.7 7 253 1 49 86 York St John 29.7 53 69 56 34.1 3 267 3 24


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