
2017-06-29 作者: 253阅读

We ve already told you which university has the most sex and named (and shamed?) which uni s students are the biggest drinkers - but according to our happiness league sex and alcohol are not the keys to being happy.

Instead, it seems the secret to being a smiley student is a dam good education and a good-looking campus, as Cambridge sits proudly (and probably quite happily) in the top spot.

At the other end of the spectrum we find London Met propping up the table, with the Open University just above them - so it seems doing your degree on the sofa in front of the TV is not everyone s idea of happiness...

The following results were collected as part of the studentbeans.com Hopes Dreams Survey. We asked students: On a scale of 1-10, how happy would you say you are with your life?


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