2017-06-29 295阅读
英国各校最新研究生。英国是热门国家,很多学生都准备去深造,这也是很多家长所希望的,但是对其研究生了解不多。下面是对英国各校最新研究生的介绍。 英国大学自行确定收费标准,英国研究生会因你所选择的学校和专业的不同而不同,每年的英国研究生大概为:
文科:6,750 12,100英镑
理科:6,500 13,500英镑
医科:6,200 17,400英镑
MBA:7,500 23,100英镑
阿伯里斯特维斯 (University Alliance) - £9,000
安格利亚鲁斯金大学 (Million+) - £8,300
(No affiliation) - £9,000
(No affiliation) - £9,000
威尔士 (No affiliation) - £9,000
(1994 Group) - £9,000
巴斯泉大学 (Million+) - £9,000
(Russell Group) - £9,000
伯明翰 (Million+) - range of fees between £7,500 and £9,000
波尔顿大学 (Million+) - range of variable fees between £6,300 and £8,400
波恩茅斯大学 - range of variable fees between £8,200 and £9,000
布拉德福德大学 (University Alliance) - £9,000
布赖顿大学 (No affiliation) - £9,000
(Russell Group) - £9,000
布鲁内耳大学 (No affiliation) - £9,000
(Russell Group) - £9,000
坎特伯里基督大学 (No affiliation) - £8,500
(Russell Group) - £9,000
切斯特大学 (No affiliation) - £9,000
奇切斯特大学 (No affiliation) - £8,500
伦敦 (No affiliation) - £9,000
(Million+) - range of variable fees between £7,500 and £9,000
哥比亚大学 (GuildHE) - £8,400
德蒙特福德大学 De Montfort University (University Alliance) - £9,000
德比大学 University of Derby (Million+) - range of variable fees up to £8,000
Durham University (1994 Group) - £9,000
东英格利亚大学 University of East Anglia (1994 Group) - £9,000
东伦敦大学 University of East London (Million+) - £9,000
边山大学 Edge Hill University (No affiliation) - £9,000
University of Essex (1994 Group) - £9,000
University of Exeter (1994 Group) - £9,000
格拉摩根打算学University of Glamorgan (University Alliance) - £9,000
格鲁斯特大学University of Gloucestershire (Million+) - £8,250
金史密斯学院Goldsmiths, University of London (1994 Group) - £9,000
赫特福德郡大学(University Alliance) - range of variable fees up to £8,500
University of Huddersfield (University Alliance) - £7,950
University of Hull (No affiliation) - £9,000
Imperial College London (Russell Group) - £9,000
Keele University (No affiliation) - £9,000
University of Kent (No affiliation) - £9,000
King s College London (Russell Group) - £9,000
Kingston University (Million+) - range of variable fees up to £9,000
Lancaster University (1994 Group) - £9,000
University of Leeds (Russell Group) - £9,000
利兹都市大学Leeds Metropolitan University (Million+) - £8,500
莱切斯特大学University of Lester (1994 Group) - £9,000
University of Lincoln (University Alliance) - £9,000
University of Liverpool (Russell Group) - £9,000
利物浦约翰摩尔大学Liverpool John Moores University (University Alliance) - £9,000
London School of Economics (Russell Group) - £8,500
伦敦南岸大学 London South Bank University (Million+) - £8,450
Loughborough University (1994 Group) - £9,000
University of Manchester (Russell Group) - £9,000
曼彻斯特Manchester Metropolitan University - range of variable fees up to £9,000
Middlesex University (Million+) - £9,000
纽卡斯尔大学 Newcastle University (Russell Group) - £9,000
Northumbria University (University Alliance) - £8,500
University of Nottingham (Russell Group) - £9,000
University of Oxford (Russell Group) - £9,000
Oxford Brookes University (University Alliance) - £9,000
University of Plymouth (University Alliance) - £9,000
University of Portsmouth (University Alliance) - £8,500
Queen Mary, University of London (1994 Group) - £9,000
University of Reading (1994 Group) - £9,000
Roehampton University (Million+) - range of variable fees up to £8,250
University of Salford - range of variable fees between £8,000 and £9,000
伦敦大学亚非学院 School of Oriental and African Studies (1994 Group) - £9,000
University of Shfield (Russell Group) - £9,000
谢菲尔德哈莱姆大学Shfield Hallam University (University Alliance) - £8,500
University of Southampton (Russell Group) - £9,000
南安普顿索伦特大学 Southampton Solent University (Million+) - £7,800
史塔福郡大学Staffordshire University - range of variable fees between £7,490 and £8,490
University of Sunderland (Million+) - range of variable fees between £7,800 and £8,500
University of Surrey (1994 Group) - £9,000
苏塞克斯大学 University of Sussex (1994 Group) - £9,000
提兹塞德大学 Teesside University (Million+/University Alliance) - £8,500
University College London (Russell Group) - £9,000
University of the West of England (University Alliance) - £9,000
威尔士新港学院 University of Wales, Newport (University Alliance) - £9,000
University of Warwick (Russell Group) - £9,000
University of Westminster (No affiliation) - £9,000
温切斯特大学 University of Winchester (GuildHE) - £8,500
伍尔弗汉普顿大学 University of Wolverhampton (Million+) - £8,500
University of Worcester (GuildHE) - £8,100
约克 York St John University (GuildHE) - £8,500
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