
2017-06-29 作者: 209阅读


Applicants are asked to write an essay on one of the six topics below:

Over half the world s population now lives in cities, and urban populations are set to grow. In light of the growing urban population in China, how can Chinese cities adapt to deliver sufficient resources to meet population needs?

Developing sustainable cities leads to improved quality of life for citizens. Discuss.

When it comes to climate change, cities are where the most exciting progress is being made (Michael Bloomberg, 2013). Critically discuss the greatest sustainability challenges and opportunities facing city leaders today.

Changing behaviour is a key part of delivering sustainable futures. How can we persuade urban populations to adopt sustainable behaviours?

The application and integration of technologies can contribute to achieving low carbon goals. Drawing on a maximum of three examples, discuss how technological innovation can offer significant and sustained carbon reductions in European cities.

Urban areas hold more than half the world s population and most of its built assets and economic activities (IPCC, 2014). What key challenges and opportunities face urban planners in delivering long-term sustainable city strategies?



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