2017-06-28 579阅读
英国留学生找工作投简历误区一:Don&apost just hit up the big guys.不要仅仅只瞄准大型的招聘网站。
Big-name websites like Monster and CareerBuilder are wonderful resources for online job hunting, but don&apost stop there. They charge fees that some smaller companies can&apost afford or don&apost believe in paying. Make sure to check out smaller job boards or job board aggregates such as indeed.com to find more online gigs。
英国留学生找工作投简历误区二:Don&apost use your company&aposs email to job-hunt.不要用在职公司邮箱投递简历(包括注册招聘网站时要使用的邮箱)。
Even if your company says it&aposs OK to use their email server to send out resumes, don&apost do it. You can get in trouble with your existing company, plus it won&apost look like a move in good taste to the prospective employer if you use your work email. Another setback: If you&aposre contacted in the future and are no longer at your current job, you&aposll miss the message. Set up one email account with a professional handle (your name, for example) and stick to that。
英国留学生找工作投简历误区三:Don&apost blast off your resume.不要到处乱投简历。
Blast out your resume, but with some personal attention. Don&apost just fire it off into the Internet abyss. More importantly, a customized cover letter can go a long way to win over an employer, so be sure to take the time to customize one as best you can。
英国留学生找工作投简历误区四:Consider your privacy.保留一点个人隐私。
While you may not want to post your contact information, that&aposs OK for many people who see it as a move from someone who is Internet-savvy. Be sure to check out the privacy settings when posting your resume and do what feels right for you--and for your future career。
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