
2017-06-28 作者: 390阅读

  申请大多数英国大学时不要要面试,因此唯一能让英国大学的招生官员了解申请人的地方就是UCAS FROM(英国大学网申表格)。绝大多数表格中会涵盖你的成绩、推荐信和留学个人陈述(PS)等方面的信息。其中,留学个人陈述(PS)是英国留学申请人凸显自己个性和与众不同的材料,这也是分数无法反映出来的。因此,我们在准备PS时应尽可能的追求高品质,做到尽善尽美。


  What you want to study at university and why?

  Specific aspects of the courses that interest you

  Examples of coursework you have completed

  Practical work you have enjoyed

  Things you have read related to the subject area

  Work experience or voluntary work in this area

  Conferences you have attended

  Personal experiences which lead to the decision to take this subject

  Where you hope a degree in this subject will lead

  Experiences that show you are a reliable and responsible person

  Part-time job

  Business enterprise

  Community and charity work

  Sixth form committee

  Helping out at school events and open days

  Young Enterprise, World Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh award, Asdan Award Debating societies and what you&aposve gained from these experiences.

  Your interests and skills

  What you like to do in your free time

  Sport and leisure activities

  Subjects you study which are not examined

  Musical instrument which you play

  Languages which you speak

  Prizes you have won or positions achieved in your interests



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