
2017-06-28 作者: 267阅读


  Teaching Personal Statement

  My reasons for pursuing a career in teaching are numerous, as teaching offers a range of fields which I feel I would excel at and would give me a chance to help children develop skills which they will use everyday throughout their lives. My enthusiasm has been supported by my experience and work placements at first helping my mother with the children who she child minds. The children are aged from 0 - 8 years, and I truly enjoy doing creative activities with the older children, including painting, collages, writing stories, etc. I also enjoy helping the other younger children learning their alphabet, learning to count and with simple puzzles. When the children learn new things it gives me a great pleasure in knowing that I had something to do with it

  I then chose a work experience placement ina primary school to give me a better insight in what a career in teaching is like, This I feel gave me the understanding and knowledge I needed to see what its like to be in control of large groups of children and the various skills needed, which help you to be a better teacher

  All these experiences taught me a lot, especially about the needs of the children, and I have learnt many personal skills which are important when considering an occupation in teaching and working with children. Some of these I mention throughout my statement but others include team-working, patients, communication skills and also being a good listener

  Outside of college I have a part-time job as a personal assistant, here I work with an elderly woman, whom I visit daily to help her out with small tasks that she has trouble completing including general housework, light shopping and other tasks if requested. I am also beginning an NVQ course through the social services where I will learn new skills which will help me with my job

  Apart from my part-time job, in my free time I attend a Family History Class, here I meet up with other people who are also researching their family trees and discuss information and document found and also search for family members. Another interest I have is swimming and cycling. I also enjoy socialising with friends and meeting new people If my application is successful once completing the course I would like to work in my local area or somewhere in the south Wales region

  I feel my current A-level courses have prepared me well for higher education as throughout the course I have to manage various pieces of work from different lecturers with different deadlines, which need to be organised and prioritised for me to be able to complete the work and meet all deadlines set. I have utilised the learning resources centre available at the college for various research purposes both paper based and for internet resources.

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