
2017-06-28 作者: 189阅读


  Medicine Personal Statement

  As medicine is a scientifically based career, that involves interpersonal skills and caring for people, I feel that this is the best career path for me. This decision was finalised at the medlink course in Nottingham University. There I was able to converse with students and doctors. Collectively their personal accounts and lectures gave me the information to confirm my wish to become a doctor. What particularly interests me in medicine, is the aspect of using my knowledge and skills to diagnose different problems, discover the various causes and make the right prognosis for each individual case, on a daily basis

  With the objective of gaining more of an idea of what to expect as a doctor, I spent time in a local surgery for my work experience where I was able to observe the Baby Clinic and a postnatal consultation. I also took the opportunity to ask the doctors about their careers

  Recently I volunteered at a Special Needs Project for young people

  The demanding needs of the young people made it arduous work, hence exposing me to a daily routine of working with different types of people in a caring environment. Nevertheless, it was a pleasure to spend time there and it was very satisfying to see the young people enjoying themselves, doing activities that would not usually be available to them. I plan to volunteer at the project again next year

  A level Biology and Chemistry have furthered my scientific interest and understanding; meanwhile Maths has enabled me to think more logically, which will be benicial in a medical career. In my profession, I want to be able to communicate with as many people as possible, so I chose to learn Spanish since it is an increasingly popular language used worldwide

  Activities such as, performing in school plays and singing in the choir, have kept me involved in school life. I especially enjoyed performing in the Royal Albert Hall with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Leadership roles, such as form captain and school council representative, have increased my self-confidence

  The Duke of Edinburgh Award has taken up much of my out of school time for the past three years. In order to achieve my Bronze and Silver Award I have completed a First Aid Course, endured weekly sessions of aerobics, worked voluntarily in Oxfam and had keyboard/piano lessons

  Until March this year, I was heavily involved in the Young Enterprise Scheme where I played the role of deputy personnel director. My job entailed taking the register and writing reports and letters to the staff. I was the creator of our best selling product, which was pot plants in recycled glass jars and tins. Each of these commitments have enriched my life in many different ways, shaping me into a well-rounded person

  Due to my great passion of music, I am looking forward to getting involved in musical activities at university to expand my interest, improve my keyboard and piano playing and broaden my social life

  Being a keen hiker, I am also very eager to traverse the university&aposs surrounding territories

  To be given the opportunity to read medicine, will not only fulfil my ambitions, but also allow me to be a credit to the medical institution. I am a dedicated learner and I have the ability to listen diligently to people. I believe there is a severe lack of black female doctors and I will endeavour to be part of the improvement of this situation and be an asset to my community.


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