
2017-06-28 作者: 245阅读


  Pharmacy Personal Statement

  Since a very young age I have always enjoyed caring for people and I feel a great sense of achievement helping people. Biology and Chemistry have always been two of my strongest and most enjoyable subjects throughout my academic studies. My interest in the chemistry of life has lead to me deciding that I wish to pursue a degree in the Pharmacy discipline.

  From my A level work I have gained many key skills which will be benicial to a career in Pharmacy. Two of the strongest skills that I have been able to develop are my organisation and communication skills which are essential for Pharmacists. Throughout my AS Biology I was able to improve upon my communication skills as I had to deliver a presentation about data for which I had independently recorded on the field trip in Oxford. I enjoy the application of logical scientific thinking and knowledge of natural laws to analyse and solve problems occurring in Pharmacy.

  As a Pharmacist you do require some skills in mathematics. Maths A level has provided me with the knowledge in analysing and solving problems and from this I have gained sharp numerical skills. With Maths, I am able to calculate the accurate dosage of the drug which is required for the patient in relation to hospital pharmacy.

  A levels required a lot of independent work compared to my previous educational years, hence I have learnt to organise myself ficiently. This has helped me to set feasible revision timetables and meet the tight schedules that were presented to me during my A levels. Consequently this has lead to a great improvement in my organisational skills. I believe that these skills are essential and will aid me to become a successful Pharmacy university student.

  I am currently gaining work experience in my local dentist, which I enjoy thoroughly and I am gaining a wonderful insight to the world of Dentistry. I completed two successful weeks of work experience at MG Rover in Longbridge which was very benicial to me as I was able to improve my communication skills and learn more about the so called "new world". During this time I was involved in a variety of tasks, which included producing a problem resolution action report relating to an investigation I was involved with.

  I attended and completed the &aposChallenge of Management&apos course which develops key skills such as communication, planning, problem solving and responsibility, I feel these skills are important and have guided and helped me in my academic studies to-date and will further assist me to become a productive and ficient Pharmacy university student.

  I have completed 6 weeks community service at Grestone Primary School.

  This also allowed me to develop my personal traits, as I have always been keen to help others.

  Many positive comments were made on my appearance, punctuality, attitude and professional relationships with children.

  In my time at Handsworth Grammar School I have assisted at Open Days, Parents&apos Evenings and 11+ Examinations. My main priorities were showing visitors and potential students around the school to make sure each occasion was run smoothly. I have been awarded certificates of gratitude for such events. I have benited a great deal from such responsibilities as they have helped me improve upon the quality of my teamwork skills immensely. In addition to this I have also been supporting the Duty Team on Wednesdays, where I have to supervise students coming in to school. This has helped me widen my communication skills amongst both younger and older students. All of these key skills have enabled me to attain high academic grades constantly throughout my school life thus I have been awarded numerous certificates for achievement.

  Outside of school I have many interests which include attending a snooker club once a week as I have an interest in the sport, which also helps to improve my concentration skills. I am currently a member of my leisure centre, which I use regularly due to my passion in keeping fit and healthy. I particularly enjoy sports such as football and badminton. In addition I have been involved in taking part in Punjabi lessons in my local library. As a result of taking part of this I have achieved a certificate for supplementary education attendance certificate.

  I am a reliable, determined and enthusiastic person who will relish the opportunity to study pharmacy if I am given the opportunity.



  Pharmacy Personal Statement

  Since a very young age I have always enjoyed caring for people and I feel a great sense of achievement helping people. Biology and Chemistry have always been two of my strongest and most enjoyable subjects throughout my academic studies. My interest in the chemistry of life has lead to me deciding that I wish to pursue a degree in the Pharmacy discipline.

  From my A level work I have gained many key skills which will be benicial to a career in Pharmacy. Two of the strongest skills that I have been able to develop are my organisation and communication skills which are essential for Pharmacists. Throughout my AS Biology I was able to improve upon my communication skills as I had to deliver a presentation about data for which I had independently recorded on the field trip in Oxford. I enjoy the application of logical scientific thinking and knowledge of natural laws to analyse and solve problems occurring in Pharmacy.

  As a Pharmacist you do require some skills in mathematics. Maths A level has provided me with the knowledge in analysing and solving problems and from this I have gained sharp numerical skills. With Maths, I am able to calculate the accurate dosage of the drug which is required for the patient in relation to hospital pharmacy.

  A levels required a lot of independent work compared to my previous educational years, hence I have learnt to organise myself ficiently. This has helped me to set feasible revision timetables and meet the tight schedules that were presented to me during my A levels. Consequently this has lead to a great improvement in my organisational skills. I believe that these skills are essential and will aid me to become a successful Pharmacy university student.

  I am currently gaining work experience in my local dentist, which I enjoy thoroughly and I am gaining a wonderful insight to the world of Dentistry. I completed two successful weeks of work experience at MG Rover in Longbridge which was very benicial to me as I was able to improve my communication skills and learn more about the so called "new world". During this time I was involved in a variety of tasks, which included producing a problem resolution action report relating to an investigation I was involved with.

  I attended and completed the &aposChallenge of Management&apos course which develops key skills such as communication, planning, problem solving and responsibility, I feel these skills are important and have guided and helped me in my academic studies to-date and will further assist me to become a productive and ficient Pharmacy university student.

  I have completed 6 weeks community service at Grestone Primary School.

  This also allowed me to develop my personal traits, as I have always been keen to help others.





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